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In-Depth Study of Tax and Trust

New York, New York English

The results of new study, G20 Public Trust in Tax, which surveyed citizens across the G20 on issues of trust and international taxation, was released this week at a roundtable discussion that included the UK’s top tax administrator, HMRC Permanent Secretary Edward Troup, tax leaders from global firms, members of the accountancy profession, and the press.

The study, prepared by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and IFAC, draws on the views of more than 7,600 people across G20 countries.

Some of the key findings include:

  • people want governments to put tax cooperation ahead of tax competition—73% of people in G20 countries think it is important or very important for governments to cooperate with each other on tax policy to create a more coherent international tax system;
  • 57% of people in G20 countries trust or highly trust professional tax accountants as a source of information about the tax system; and
  • in contrast, people in G20 countries have become deeply distrustful of politicians when it comes to information about the tax system, with 67% either distrusting or highly distrusting politicians.

James R. Dalkin

Job Title

Former Chair, IAASB Consultative Advisory Group


United States of America

James R. Dalkin, CPA, CGFM, became Chair of the International Auditing and Assurance Board (IAASB) Consultative Advisory Group in March 2017.

Mr. Dalkin is a Director in the Financial Management and Assurance Team with the US Government Accountability Office (GAO). He has responsibility for directing GAO’s work to develop and maintain government auditing standards (the Yellow Book); internal control standards for the federal government (the Green Book); and GAO’s work with the accounting and auditing profession. He is also responsible for the audits of the US Securities Exchange Commission and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

In addition to his service with the IAASB, Mr. Dalkin previously served as a board member of the American Institute of CPA (AICPA)’s Auditing Standards Board and is an observer to the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Advisory Board.

Mr. Dalkin is a frequent speaker at national auditing conferences for the AICPA and other professional organizations. He has also authored articles for publications, including the Journal of Accountancy. Mr. Dalkin also is an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University (US).


Nearly 75% of OECD Countries Have Now Adopted Accrual Accounting Practices According to a New Study from IFAC and the OECD

New York, New York English

Nearly three-quarters of OECD countries have adopted accrual accounting for their year-end financial reports and more than a quarter now prepare their annual budgets on an accrual basis, according to the landmark study Accrual Practices and Reform Experiences in OECD Countries by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The study, which examined accounting and budgeting practices at the national government level in OECD countries, discusses the challenges and benefits of accruals reforms and considers what steps countries are taking to make better use of accrual information in the future.

“High-quality financial reporting is essential to ensure that governments make fiscal decisions based on up-to-date information and an accurate understanding of their financial position,” said Fayez Choudhury, IFAC CEO. “They provide a mechanism through which legislatures, auditors, and the public at large can hold governments accountable for their financial performance.”

The study showed that most OECD countries have reformed and modernized their financial reporting practices over the last few decades:

  • approximately three-quarters of OECD countries have adopted accrual accounting for their year-end financial reports as a key priority;
  • more than a quarter of OECD countries prepare their annual budgets on an accrual basis; and
  • audit techniques and accounting standard-setting mechanisms have also evolved significantly in the wake of accounting reforms.

The study also points out that while the direct adoption of international accounting standards, such as International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), by national governments remains very low, many standard setters use IPSAS or IFRS as primary or explicit references for developing their national standards.

“While governments still seek to improve the usefulness and comprehensibility of their financial reports, a majority of OECD countries expressed satisfaction that accounting reforms have already resulted in greater transparency and accountability of their financial operations,” said Jón R. Blöndal, Head of the OECD Budgeting and Public Expenditures Division.

A digital version of the report can be found at on the IFAC and OECD websites.

About IFAC
is the global organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC is comprised of more than 175 members and associates in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions, representing almost 3 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.

About OECD
Working with over 100 countries, the OECD is a global policy forum that promotes policies to improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.

IPSASB eNews: March 2017 Meeting Highlights


Public Interest Committee (PIC) member Jón Blöndal provided an update of the PIC meeting on March 1, 2017. Mr. Blöndal summarized the discussion, which included the IPSASB’s current work program, the member nominations process, the Consultative Advisory Group, and the IPSASB’s due process and working procedures.

The IPSASB Chair noted that the PIC meeting had been constructive and provided a number of points for consideration by the IPSASB, particularly for the development of the future Strategy and Work Plan.

Strategy and Work Plan Consultation

The IPSASB held an initial discussion on the process to develop its next Strategy and Work Plan. The IPSASB agreed the timeline for the process, with a Consultation Paper (CP) to be published in the first quarter of 2018. The IPSASB also confirmed that the IPSASB’s standard-setting activities are located in the broader public sector financial management landscape and that inputs to the development of the Strategy and Work Plan will be sought from a number of partners.

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Revenue and Non-Exchange Expenses

The IPSASB considered issues related to accounting for revenue, including the feasibility of additional guidance to distinguish exchange and non-exchange transactions, options to address transfers with time requirements and modifications to the performance obligation approach drawn from International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 15, Revenue from Contracts with Customers. The IPSASB also considered the applicability of the obligating event and performance obligation approaches (drawn from the Social Benefits and Revenue projects, respectively) to non-exchange expense transactions. The IPSASB aims to approve a CP at the June 2017 meeting.

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Social Benefits

The IPSASB discussed scope, key definitions, and the obligating events to be included in the future Exposure Draft (ED). The IPSASB decided not to include the “key participatory events” and “accumulating liabilities” options and to refine the options related to fulfillment of eligibility criteria. Following an education session on the forthcoming International Accounting Standards Board insurance standard, the IPSASB agreed that the insurance accounting approach should be optional for programs with some of the characteristics of insurance contracts that are intended to be fully funded.

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Financial Instruments

The IPSASB discussed amendments to other IPSASs arising from the update of IPSAS 28-30, Financial Instruments: Presentation; Recognition and Measurement; and Disclosure, and tentatively approved the authoritative material in the ED. The internal Task Based Group will review the non-authoritative material at an in-person meeting in April 2017. The IPSASB aims to approve the ED at the June 2017 meeting.

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The IPSASB decided to adopt a control-based approach to lessor accounting for the underlying asset in a lease. The IPSASB agreed that leases provided at zero or nominal consideration should be within the scope of the project.

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The IPSASB reviewed a draft CP, Financial Reporting for Heritage in the Public Sector. The IPSASB agreed to discuss the use of a “one currency unit” approach for initial recognition of heritage assets in the context of historical cost measurement.

The IPSASB approved the CP, which will be published in April. The deadline for comments will be September 30, 2017.

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Public Sector Measurement

The Chair of the Public Sector Measurement project’s Task Force, provided an overview of the project’s background and scope. The Task Force Chair described the rationale for the project from a public interest perspective, developments since the project’s approval in June 2015 and some high-level observations on issues. The Task Force and staff will identify project work streams and develop an issues paper for the June 2017 meeting.

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Review of the Cash Basis IPSAS

The IPSASB considered a high level summary of the responses to ED 61, Amendments to Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting (the Cash Basis IPSAS™), and had an initial discussion of some of the issues identified by respondents. The IPSASB will consider a more detailed analysis of responses at the June 2017 meeting.

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Joint Seminar with IMF & World Bank Group

On March 6, delegates from the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), IPSASB, and IFAC participated in an international seminar, Transparency and Beyond: Harnessing the Power of Accrual in Managing Public Finances. The seminar considered the broad public financial management (PFM) landscape and how economists, statisticians and policy makers can co-operate to best use the powerful information provided by accrual-based IPSAS financial reports.

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Meeting Podcasts

An audio podcast highlighting key points of the March 2017 meeting is now available.

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Next Meeting

The next meeting of the IPSASB will be in Luxembourg from June 27-30, 2017.

IESBA March 2017 Meeting Highlights Podcast


Highlights from the IESBA's March 13-15, 2017, meeting in New York, New York.

0:10 Introduction

0:40 Overview from IESBA Chairman Dr. Stavros Thomadakis

5:29 Professional Skepticism

8:00 Part C of the IESBA Code

10:00 Fees Working Group Update

11:41 Proposed Staff-Prepared Q&As on Long Association

12:25 Closing Remarks

Meeting Highlights Listen & Subscribe in iTunes
IESBA March 2017 Meeting Highlights Podcast

2016 IFAC Global SMP Survey Report & Summary

The 2016 IFAC Global SMP Survey asked practitioners operating in small- and medium-sized practices (SMPs) a number of questions about the challenges they face, the market factors most likely to affect them in the future, the consulting services they provide, and their performance, both in 2016 and projected for the year ahead. In addition, respondents were asked about their small- and medium-sized entity (SME) clients, including questions around the challenges they face and the extent of their engagement in international activities.


IPSASB March 2017 Meeting Highlights Podcast


Highlights from the IPSASB's March 7-10, 2017, meeting in Washington, DC.

00:10 Introduction

1:00 Overview of March 6 Seminar, Harnessing the Power of Accrual in Managing Public Finances, from IPSASB Chair Ian Carruthers 

3:00 Overview of IPSASB Meeting from Chair Ian Carruthers 

5:10 Heritage

6:40 Revenue and Non-exchange Expenses

8:00 Social Benefits

9:20 Strategy and Work Plan

12:10 Closing Remarks

Meeting Highlights Listen & Subscribe in iTunes

IPSASB Meeting

New York, USA

Mar 6 - 9, 2018
Additional notes: Meeting Location: International Federation of Accountants 529 Fifth Avenue, 5th floor New York, NY