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IPSAS 33, First-time Adoption of Accrual Basis IPSASs

International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS) 33 grants transitional exemptions to entities adopting accrual basis IPSASs for the first time, providing a major tool to help entities along their journey to implement IPSASs. It allows first-time adopters three years to recognize specified assets and liabilities. This provision allows sufficient time to develop reliable models for recognizing and measuring assets and liabilities during the transition period.


IPSASB Publishes Standard on First-Time Adoption of Accrual Basis IPSASs

New York, New York English

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board® (IPSASB®) has published a new International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS), IPSAS 33, First-time Adoption of Accrual Basis IPSASs. IPSAS 33 grants transitional exemptions to entities adopting accrual basis IPSASs for the first time, providing a major tool to help entities along their journey to implement IPSASs. 

“With IPSAS 33, the IPSASB has developed a comprehensive standard that provides guidance and exemptions for entities that are transitioning to accrual basis IPSASs,” said IPSASB Chair Andreas Bergmann. “IPSAS 33 meets the needs of both preparers and users of financial statements during the transition period. Its publication is a further incentive for entities to make the decision to apply IPSASs. ”

IPSAS 33 allows first-time adopters three years to recognize specified assets and liabilities. This provision allows sufficient time to develop reliable models for recognizing and measuring assets and liabilities during the transition period.

This new standard addresses situations when reliable historical cost information about assets and liabilities is not available. It also addresses the presentation of comparative information in transitional IPSAS financial statements and an entity’s first IPSAS-compliant financial statements.

Using these comprehensive principles will ensure that an entity’s first financial statements using accrual basis IPSASs contain high-quality information and can be generated at a cost that does not exceed the benefits.

About the IPSASB
The IPSASB develops accounting standards and guidance for use by public sector entities.  It receives support (both direct financial and in-kind) from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, the South African Accounting Standards Board, and the governments of Canada, New Zealand, and Switzerland.  The structures and processes that support the operations of the IPSASB are facilitated by IFAC.

About IFAC®
IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession, dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. It is comprised of more than 175 members and associates in 130 countries and jurisdictions, representing approximately 2.5 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.