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Norie Takahashi

Norie Takahashi is a partner at KPMG Japan and is now on full secondment to the IFRS Foundation’s Connectivity and Integrated Reporting team. She has more than 20 years of experience in financial auditing, in various industries such as retail, chemical, hospitality and financial. Alongside financial auditing, she had also been part of KPMG Japan’s Sustainability Value Headquarters, where she had been involved in the research and outreach related to integrated reporting in Japan and overseas. She had also been partially seconded to the International Integrated Reporting Council during 2015 to 2020 and had been the Japan region lead during 2018 to 2020.

Norie Takahashi

Michael Bray

Job Title

Professor of Practice (Integrated Reporting)

Michael Bray is Professor of Practice (Integrated Reporting) at Deakin University and Special Adviser to the Chief Connectivity and Integrated Reporting Officer of the IFRS Foundation. He was a Director of the International Integrated Reporting Council between 2017 and 2020, at which time he stepped off the IIRC Board to join its management team. He was an audit partner at KPMG for 27 years between 1989 and 2016 and a Director of its Better Business Reporting practice between 2016 and 2020.

Michael Bray

Rachel Chee

Job Title

Executive Director

Rachel Chee is the Independent Non-Executive Director of Berjaya Food Berhad and the Executive Director of the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA). She steers and supports the CAPA's mission, working in collaboration with leaders from member bodies, committees and stakeholders  (such as regulators and standard setters), to provide guidance and thought leadership in the development, enhancement and coordination of the accounting profession in the Asia-Pacific region. 

Rachel Chee

Harun Saki

Job Title

Senior Manager

Harun Saki is a Senior Manager at Accountancy Europe and the Head of Assurance. He engages in various projects related to auditing & assurance and specialises in international standards on auditing and professional ethics. Before his role at Accountancy Europe, he worked as a public sector auditor at the Turkish Court of Accounts (2008-2014) and then as a financial auditor at the International Board of Auditors for NATO (2014-2019). He is a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA). Harun has a master’s degree in Banking and Finance and is married with two daughters.

Harun Saki

Hiroki Waki

Hiroki Waki is on secondment from Sompo Japan Insurance Inc., where he has worked for 23 years. He contributes to Business at OECD’s work on Economic Policy and Finance, Corporate Governance, Employment, Labor, and Social Affairs, Insurance and Private Pensions, as well as our work on South East Asia and B20. Prior to joining Business at OECD, he worked as a Director at PT Sompo Insurance Indonesia, a subsidiary of Sompo Japan, based in Jakarta, where he was in charge of corporate strategy development, business planning, and ERM advancement.Hiroki holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce and Management from Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, and is fluent in Japanese, English, and Indonesian.

Hiroki Waki

Beatrice Richez-Baum

Job Title

Director General

Dr. Béatrice Richez-Baum is a Doctor in Law specialized in European Law. Additionally, she followed the training of the Paris Bar School. Having completed her PhD thesis on international Trade and European Law in 1999, she started her career as a legal expert for the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry after a few experiences in Brussels including the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe and the European Economic and Social Committee. At the creation of the European Confederation of Directors Associations (ecoDa), Dr. Béatrice Richez-Baum was appointed as Secretary General and began her Director General mandate in September 2017. She has been able to raise ecoDa’s profile by advocating the interests of European board members, and by developing close working relationships with the EU institutions and European peer organisations.

Beatrice Richez-Baum

Jackie Oppenheim

Job Title

Vice President of Education and Career Services

Jackie Oppenheim, CAE, CPTD, is IMA’s vice president of education and career services. In this role, she leads the development of top-quality education and continuing education products for management accountants worldwide, including IMA’s Accounting & Finance Conference. Prior to joining IMA in 2021, Jackie spent more than 20 years leading product development with professional associations across a variety of industries.
Jackie Oppenheim headshot