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  • IFAC Strengthens International Code of Ethics; Clarifies Guidance for Network Firms

    New York English

    An important objective of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA), an independent standard-setting board within the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), is to provide auditors with clear guidance on matters of independence. In keeping with this commitment, the IESBA has revised the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants by updating the definition of a network firm. Network firms are required to be independent of an audit client of another firm within the network.

    "The revised definition focuses on how networks operate and how they present themselves to third parties," states Richard George, IESBA Chair. "The public has a right to expect that when firms are part of a network the independence requirements apply to the other firms within the network. This revision provides clear guidance for firms and contains additional information on the application of the definition."

    The revised definition is consistent with the definition in the European Union's Eighth Company Law Directive. It would classify firms as network firms if the firms belong to a larger structure that is aimed at cooperation and is clearly aimed at profit or cost sharing, or shares common ownership, control or management, common quality control policies and procedures, common business strategy, the use of a common brand-name or a significant part of professional resources. The revised definition is effective for assurance reports dated on or after December 31, 2008. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants and the revision can be downloaded from the IFAC online bookstore at

    About the IESBA and IFAC

    The IESBA develops ethical standards and guidance for use by professional accountants. It encourages member bodies to adopt high standards of ethics for their members and promotes good ethical practices globally. The Public Interest Oversight Board oversees the activities of the IESBA and, as one element of that oversight, establishes the criteria for its due process and working procedures.

    IFAC is the worldwide organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC's current membership consists of approximately 160 professional accountancy bodies in 120 countries, representing more than 2.5 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry and commerce. IFAC, through its independent standard-setting boards, sets international standards on ethics, auditing and assurance, education, and public sector accounting. It also issues guidance to encourage high-quality performance by professional accountants in business.

  • IFAC Hosts Global Forum on Challenges and Opportunities Facing Small and Medium Entities

    New York English

    Earlier this month, over 130 people from 35 countries attended the International Federation of Accountants' (IFAC's) first global forum focused entirely on small- and medium-sized entities (SMEs) and small and medium accounting practices (SMPs). Co-hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants, the forum provided an opportunity for national and regional accountancy organizations, representatives of SMEs and SMPs, and international standard setters, among others, to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing SMEs and SMPs and programs and initiatives that could best support them.

    Participants identified two significant challenges facing SMEs and SMPs: SMEs need financial reporting standards that are appropriate for their users' needs and reduce the associated cost of compliance; and, in an increasingly globalized economy, SMPs should continue to explore new ways to support the growth and accountability of SMEs.

    "Small- and medium-sized enterprises drive economic growth, foster innovation and provide employment in developed and developing countries around the world. IFAC fully recognizes this role and is committed to supporting them at an international level," emphasizes IFAC President Graham Ward. "The outcomes of the forum will be considered at the IFAC Board meeting in September so that we can proceed with acting on the recommendations that were presented."

    IFAC SMP Committee Chair Sylvie Voghel, who also chaired the forum, outlined IFAC's approach to supporting SMPs. "The SMP Committee is taking a two-pronged approach to helping SMEs and SMPs converge and comply with international auditing and accounting standards. On the one hand, we are helping to shape the form and content of those standards and on the other, we are dedicated to providing practical assistance to SMPs and SMEs that have to use them."

    Current projects include publishing an International Standards on Auditing Guide for SMEs and developing a web-based knowledge resource for SMPs. Additionally, IFAC regularly responds to exposure drafts of international standard setters where an SMP or SME focus is needed. For more information about IFAC initiatives to support SMPs and SMEs, visit its website at All presentations made at the SMP Forum are also available from the IFAC website through the SMP Committee home page.

    IFAC is the worldwide organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC's current membership consists of approximately 160 professional accountancy bodies in 120 countries, representing more than 2.5 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry and commerce. IFAC, through its independent standard-setting boards, sets international standards on ethics, auditing and assurance, education, and public sector accounting. It also issues guidance to encourage high-quality performance by professional accountants in business.

  • Supporting SMPs, SMEs and Developing Nations

    Graham Ward, CBE
    IFAC President (November 2004 to November 2006)
    Dakar, Senegal English

    I am delighted to be here and to have the privilege to speak to you today and I am heartened by the warm welcome that Ann, my wife, and I have received. There is no question that the accountancy profession has a unique, critical and practical role to play in building stronger and more stable economies around the globe. In order to carry out this role fully, however, we need to continue to enhance confidence in our profession and to build public trust. Investor confidence and public trust empowers our profession. Without it, the credibility of the information we produce, indeed the future of our profession itself, is put at risk. Wherever we work we cannot afford to take this risk.

  • Supporting SMPs, SMEs and Developing Nations

    Graham Ward, CBE
    IFAC President (November 2004 to November 2006)
    Casablanca, Morocco English

    I am delighted to be here and to have the privilege to speak to you today and I am heartened by the warm welcome that Ann, my wife, and I have received. There is no question that the accountancy profession has a unique, critical and practical role to play in building stronger and more stable economies around the globe. In order to carry out this role fully, however, we need to continue to enhance confidence in our profession and to build public trust. Investor confidence and public trust empowers our profession. Without it, the credibility of the information we produce, indeed the future of our profession itself, is put at risk. Wherever we work we cannot afford to take this risk.

  • Supporting SMPs, SMEs and Developing Nations

    Graham Ward, CBE
    IFAC President (November 2004 to November 2006)
    Tunis, Tunisia English

    I am delighted to be here and to have the privilege to speak to you today and I am heartened by the warm welcome that Ann, my wife, and I have received. There is no question that the accountancy profession has a unique, critical and practical role to play in building stronger and more stable economies around the globe. In order to carry out this role fully, however, we need to continue to enhance confidence in our profession and to build public trust. Investor confidence and public trust empowers our profession. Without it, the credibility of the information we produce, indeed the future of our profession itself, is put at risk. Wherever we work we cannot afford to take this risk.

  • IFAC's Commitment to SMPs and SMEs

    Graham Ward, CBE
    IFAC President (November 2004 to November 2006)
    Hong Kong, China English

    Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am delighted to be with you here in Hong Kong today to discuss the International Federation of Accountants’ commitment to small- and medium-sized accounting practices (SMPs) and to small and medium entities (SMEs). It is a commitment which our entire organization, including the officers, board, other committees and staff, take very seriously indeed and one which we believe will lead to meaningful, practical and unprecedented international support.

  • John Kellas Reappointed Chair of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board

    New York English

    The Board of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has approved the reappointment of John Kellas, MA, FCA, as Chair of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), an independent standard-setting board under the auspices of IFAC. Mr. Kellas has served on the IAASB since October 2000 and as Chair since January 2004 (a position that became full-time on October 1 of that year). His appointment to a second term, beginning January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2008, was endorsed by the Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB), which oversees the IAASB's activities to ensure that they are properly responsive to the public interest.

    "We are delighted that John has agreed to accept appointment to a second term as Chair of the IAASB. His leadership has been invaluable over the past three years as he has worked to increase public interest input to the IAASB's standard-setting process, enhance the transparency of that process, and build relationships with national standard setters," states IFAC President Graham Ward.

    As Chair of the IAASB, Mr. Kellas will continue to lead the IAASB's efforts to develop high quality International Standards on Auditing and to promote convergence with those standards and their adoption by the European Commission. In addition, he will continue to serve as the primary contact with the IAASB Consultative Advisory Group to ensure that public interest perspectives are fully considered by the IAASB.

    "The continuity of the Chairmanship of the IAASB is important at this time as we are in the middle of our major initiative to improve the clarity and effectiveness of our standards. At the same time, the European Commission is considering the adoption of International Standards of Auditing under the revised 8th Directive. We shall therefore be giving close attention to these matters over the next two years, and I look forward to working with the IAASB to bring both to successful conclusions," states John Kellas.

    PIOB Chairman Stavros Thomadakis said, "Since the formation of the PIOB in February 2005, we have cooperated closely with John in our oversight of the IAASB. His decision to accept reappointment over this next critical period will ensure that the IAASB continues to focus on important issues that greatly affect the international public interest."

    Mr. Kellas served as a member of the United Kingdom Auditing Practices Board from 1991 to 2002. Until his retirement in 2004, he was a partner in KPMG LLP in London, where he headed the Department of Professional Practice from 1990 to 2004.

    About the IAASB and IFAC The objective of the IAASB, an independent standard-setting board within IFAC, is to serve the public interest by setting high quality auditing and assurance standards and by facilitating the convergence of international and national standards, thereby enhancing the quality and uniformity of practice throughout the world and strengthening public confidence in the global auditing and assurance profession. The Public Interest Oversight Board oversees the activities of the IAASB and, as one element of that oversight, establishes the criteria for its due process and working procedures.

    IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. Its current membership consists of approximately 160 professional accountancy bodies in 120 countries, representing more than 2.5 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry and commerce. In addition to setting international auditing and assurance standards through the IAASB, IFAC, through its independent standard-setting boards, sets international ethics, education, and public sector accounting standards. It also issues guidance to encourage high quality performance by professional accountants in business.

    * Notes to Editors The IAASB Consultative Advisory Group (CAG) is independent of the International Federation of Accountants. The objective and the scope of activities of the CAG, with the rules for membership, and operating procedures are set out in its terms of reference. The terms of reference and a complete list of CAG member organizations can be found on the IAASB website. The Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) was formally established in February 2005 to oversee IFAC's auditing and assurance, ethics, and education standard-setting activities as well as the IFAC Member Body Compliance Program. The objective of the PIOB is to increase confidence of investors and others that such activities, including the setting of standards by the IAASB, are properly responsive to the public interest. PIOB members are nominated by international institutions and regulatory bodies.

  • PAIBs: Meeting the Challenges of Performance and Conformance

    Graham Ward, CBE
    IFAC President (November 2004 to November 2006)
    Las Vegas, United States English

    Thank you very much for inviting me to speak to you today. It is a great pleasure to be here for this event, which has enabled me to experience a new aspect of the United States and most importantly, has given me the opportunity to meet with management accountants from all across your country. Over 50 percent of the members of IFAC’s 159 member bodies are employed in business. A personal priority of mine over the past eighteen months has been to meet with as many professional accountants in business as possible, for two primary reasons. First, I have wanted better to understand your interests, your challenges and your needs so that we at IFAC can be more responsive to you. At the same time, I also wanted to make you aware of the IFAC initiatives that are focused specifically on and for you.

    Before I do that, I would like to recognize Paul Sharman, IMA President, for his leadership at both a national and an international level in supporting and raising the profile of professional accountants in business. Paul has participated in our annual Chief Executives’ meeting and has provided significant input and insights.

    The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) has long been a leader of and champion for professional accountants in business and industry. The IMA also has a long history of support of and participation in the international profession. It has been an active member of IFAC since 1980 and its representatives have served with distinction on the IFAC Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) Committee, which is dedicated to supporting and raising awareness of the vital role that you play. Specifically, I would like to recognize Bradley Kaplan, who joined the IFAC PAIB Committee in January 2006, and William Brower, who served on the committee from 2001 to 2005.  I congratulate Bill on being elected your Chairman from 1 July 2006.

    The service of these professional accountants and of other volunteer members of IFAC boards and committees is vital to achieving our objectives and to supporting professional accountants in all sectors of the economy worldwide. It is also through your support and that of IFAC’s member bodies in 120 countries around the world that we are able to achieve our global mission, which I will state for you now:

    To serve the public interest, IFAC will continue to strengthen the worldwide accountancy profession and contribute to the development of strong international economies by establishing and promoting adherence to high-quality professional standards, furthering the international convergence of such standards and speaking out on public interest issues where the profession's expertise is most relevant.

    In achieving this mission, IFAC is focused on developing high quality standards and guidance that serve the public interest and on ensuring that professional accountants in all fields have access to the resources that they need to fulfill their roles and to contribute to economic growth and stability. Within IFAC, four independent standard-setting boards develop international standards: the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, which develops international standards on auditing, assurance and quality control; the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants, which establishes IFAC’s international Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants; the International Accounting Education Standards Board, which sets standards and guidance on the pre-qualification and continuing professional development of all professional accountants; and our International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board, which sets International Public Sector Accounting Standards, designed to improve the transparency and accountability of public sector financial reporting. In addition, IFAC has established committees to address the needs of accountants in developing nations and to support the work of small and medium practices. 

    A major IFAC committee, which was established more than 25 years ago to support the work of management accountants, is our Professional Accountants in Business Committee. The professional accountants in business constituency is one that is central to the development and growth of our profession.  The diversity of this constituency is, I believe, one of our unrecognized strengths and IFAC has been working to get it recognised. Because professional accountants in business work in a wide variety of roles, at every level of organizations across all industry sectors, we collectively have a perspective that extends well beyond “the numbers.” Professional accountants in business – or PAIBs as we call them at IFAC – understand the drivers behind a business and, therefore, play a fundamental role in contributing to the creation of shareholder value. Few other professionals have such a diverse and significant role in the day-to-day operations of businesses and of other organizations.

    My topic today is meeting the challenges of performance and conformance. But to comment on this, I need to begin with what it is that we are expected to perform.

    Keeping Pace with Change

    First, we are expected to keep up with change and to perform accordingly. As professional accountants, our value to society and our effectiveness is determined in great part by our ability to address the changing environment in which we operate. The last twenty years have witnessed a massive transformation in business organizations, driven by intense competition, the globalization of markets and the continual need to redefine strategies, structures and processes. Changes in political regimes, new conceptions of management controls, the effect of globalizing forces on commercial affairs, shifts in notions of effective knowledge management, of governance and of ethics, and technological advances have affected all areas of our profession including, most notably, management accounting.

    Let us consider for a moment the changing nature of the finance function and the effect on professional accountants in business. In efficiently providing the goods and services that society wants, high performing organizations competing globally demand a unified service delivery model based on achieving a common technology platform, common business processes and common data. To deliver this, finance function initiatives include global strategies for centralizing process-based activities, under either or both of the shared services and outsourcing umbrellas. This involves dealing with challenges such as process improvement and possible relocation to lower cost regions. 

    This trend calls for smaller finance functions, but more effective PAIBs. “World-class” organizations have a finance cost well below one percent of revenue. On the supply-side, firms such as IBM and Accenture have expanded their business process outsourcing up the value chain to include more strategic activities, and there is ongoing high demand from companies for outsourcing their routine accounting services to external, and often overseas, service providers.

    As well as achieving greater process quality and efficiency, and cost reduction, reorientation of the finance organization has the potential also to support value creation in organizations. A key objective is to deliver enhanced analysis, insight, and involvement in decision making. To be successful, to remain relevant and to be considered vital in the value creation of organizations, PAIBs need to challenge their roles and participation in their organizations and be prepared to review and change structures, accountabilities and incentives. Above all, we may need to dig deeper to understand what customers of finance require from the finance organization and how business partnering can be most effective in a variety of contexts. This is true whether we work in a large corporation or in a small or medium enterprise.

    PAIB’s are frequently taking central positions in the role of framing, supporting and executing decisions in organizations and are involved in such areas as strategic management, research and product development, brand management, human resource (HR) measurement and reporting, and operations and supply chain.

    Managing for Growth

    In corporate strategy, a second area of PAIB performance, PAIBs are increasingly expected to be involved in developing strategies for managing value and growth. Their involvement can include such activities as developing a robust decision process, advising on major investments, product development, acquisitions and divestments. PAIBs can also use a range of investment appraisal techniques and more advanced approaches such as active portfolio management and option pricing to improve decision making in the uncertain environments that usually characterize the research and product development functions. PAIBs can also be active in working with marketers and others to assess brand and marketing effectiveness, working with HR managers to help connect investments in people to the performance of the business and working at the operational interface on continuous improvement initiatives to improve both quality and efficiency.

    Meeting the Challenge of Globalization

    The effect of globalization on organizations is a major area of consideration in corporate strategy and one that PAIBs cannot afford to ignore. Globalization has brought with it a number of well-documented and profound shifts, affecting both organizations and the accountants they employ – from economic liberalization, relocation of economic activity, both to other geographies, such as China and India, and within geographies, to technological advances and significant demographic changes. To make any business a global business means more than finding new customers or suppliers in other countries. It requires an openness to change among both the owners and the management team. This change requires taking well-informed risks, opening up the company’s culture and making a serious commitment to ongoing learning. It is for this latter reason that IFAC’s Education Standards Board has mandated a requirement for all professional accountants, including those in business, to undertake continuing professional development. None of this change happens spontaneously, but requires planning and clear leadership. Hence, the planning of these internal changes should be part of the planning for international activities.

    As organizations expand their global activities to exploit competitive opportunities, businesses large and small are coming under increasing scrutiny. Organizations will only be able to build the trust of a range of stakeholders through greater openness, transparency and accountability. The challenge then for professional accountants in business is to serve as an ethical gatekeeper – to be a champion of integrity, transparency and expertise – the three core values of IFAC. IFAC’s Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, which is applicable to all professional accountants, including those in business, industry, government, academia, and public practice, embraces these core values.  It is through these values and through a commitment to ethics, transparency and accountability that we build the trust that is so vital in business today, whether at the global, regional, national or local level.

    The IFAC Board has recognized that PAIBs are the front-line professionals who could and should be an accelerator for ethical business practice and a brake on inappropriate actions taken by their organizations, with that brake extending, in some situations, to whistleblowing. Acknowledging that is it often extremely difficult for a PAIB, in isolation, to know what is the appropriate action in a particular situation, the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants has begun a project to provide greater guidance for accountants in business with respect to whistleblowing. You can expect to see this published in 2007. 

    This new guidance will also help professional accountants in business to carry out one of your most important responsibilities: setting the tone at the top in your organization. Earlier this year, the PAIB Committee issued an exposure draft, Guidance for the Development of a Code of Corporate Conduct, proposing guidance to assist professional accountants and others in establishing and implementing codes of conduct in their organizations. The publication draws greater attention to the need for corporate codes of conduct and provides practical guidance on the scope and implementation of such codes. The goal of the proposed new guidance is to support sound corporate governance policies worldwide. The proposed guidance highlights the benefits of an effective code of conduct and identifies the professional accountant's role in the development, monitoring, reinforcement and reporting of such codes in their organizations. To assist in the creation of codes of conduct, the guidance includes information on presentation and content, on organizational and management challenges and on implementing a code of conduct in a global organization.

    Effective codes of conduct are a vital component of an organization’s control system. This new publication will enable professional accountants, who have a significant role in internal control and risk management, to work with senior management to develop and review such codes, which, in turn, will help to support the control, direction and evaluation of their organizations’ performance.

    Focusing on Decision Making

    A fourth area of performance for PAIBs, which is separate from, although related to, strategy and trust is decision making. To ensure effective decision making, one must have access to the best available information from a variety of sources.

    To help PAIBs to obtain access to information that can help them to meet these challenges, the PAIB Committee has spearheaded the development of a web-based knowledge resource, called the “IFAC KnowledgeNet for Professional Accountants in Business”. The new KnowledgeNet is a unique web project that aims to publicize and consolidate the valuable information produced by IFAC and its member bodies for the benefits of professional accountants worldwide. It will enable member bodies to offer their professional accountants one-stop access to increased, relevant and high quality information resources, including helping them to deal with ethical leadership and public interest challenges such as corporate responsibility. Current plans are for the KnowledgeNet to be launched in early October 2006. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Institute of Management of Accountants for their support of and involvement in every step of the development of the KnowledgeNet. I do believe that this new resource will be a very valuable source of information for members of the IMA and for professional accountants in business around the world.

    PAIBs will be able to access the new KnowledgeNet when looking for information or guidance on key issues which they face, such as enterprise governance. Enterprise governance is an area of increasing focus for organizations and for PAIBs.  Indeed, it is an area in which PAIBs must be adroit if they are to meet the challenges identified above:  keeping pace with management and environmental changes, addressing globalization, managing for growth and improving their decision making. 

    Enterprise governance considers both the conformance and performance aspects of the organization and emphasizes that the two need to be kept in balance. Following corporate scandals, such as Enron and WorldCom, the emphasis has been on improving standards of corporate governance. While it is critical to consider and further enhance such standards, there is a danger that companies might lose sight of the need to create wealth and to ensure that they are pursuing the right strategies to achieve this. At the heart of enterprise governance is the argument that bad corporate governance can ruin a company, but good corporate governance cannot, on its own, ensure its success.

    Enterprise governance balances this important debate on corporate governance by recognizing that:

    • Good corporate governance is a hygiene factor – it can prevent failures – but it does not guarantee success;
    • Effective strategy and execution is essential for success; and
    • Enterprise governance is a framework that encapsulates both.

    To provide professional accountants in business with guidance on governance issues, from both a conformance and performance perspective, the PAIB Committee, in conjunction with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in the United Kingdom, published a report, Enterprise Governance – Getting the Balance Right. It explores the emerging concept of enterprise governance, which incorporates organizational performance into a business governance framework, especially in terms of decision making, strategy formulation and execution. The report, which is available on the IFAC website (, argues how both perspectives must be in place in order to support high performance in organizations. This publication highlights the role of PAIBs in these processes.


    As part of the project, we undertook 27 case studies from 10 countries in 10 different sectors. We considered what goes wrong in companies and, more important, what must be done to ensure that things go right.

    The countries covered included the UK, US, Canada, Australia, France, Italy and Hong Kong. Although the report looked at companies such as Enron and WorldCom, it also considered success stories such as Southwest Airlines in the US and Tesco, the grocery chain in the UK.

    No single issue dominates corporate governance failure, rather a combination of interrelated issues. Key issues included failure of:

    • Culture or tone at the top. Those at the top of a company, by their own poor example and failure to uphold high ethical standards, allowed a culture to flourish in which secrecy, rule-breaking and fraudulent behavior became acceptable. In some cases, performance incentives created a climate where employees would seek to generate profit at the expense of the company’s stated standards of ethics and strategic goals. In terms of culture, Enron provides a good example – although the company professed values of respect and integrity, employees quickly learned that the only thing that really mattered was how much profit they could report. 
    • CEO dominance that often bordered on the celebrity. The report found numerous examples of dominant and charismatic CEOs who were able to wield unchallenged influence and authority over other executives and board directors, for example, at WorldCom and Vivendi.
    • Boards of Directors, especially weak boards or those that failed to take necessary actions at the right time. This includes failing to adopt a questioning and independent approach to the material presented by management.
    • Deficient internal controls. This is a logical outcome of the above three factors and, in the case of Enron, allowed too much emphasis on reported earnings growth. Inexperienced staff were let loose without any of the usual corporate checks and balances.

    The report also found that, in the extreme cases, heavy pressure to achieve aggressive earnings targets combined with poorly-designed rewards packages could only have one eventual outcome.

    Strategic failures came down to poor choice and lack of strategic clarity, poor strategy execution and slow response to abrupt changes or fast changing market conditions. The most significant issue arising from the case studies was unsuccessful mergers and acquisitions.

    The report also looked at success stories. Strategic success demonstrated by companies such as Southwest Airlines, the UK retailer Tesco, Li and Fung in Hong Kong, and Unicredit Group in Italy depended on the following:

    • Choice and clarity of strategy and effective strategy execution;
    • Competency in mergers and acquisitions, especially in terms of well-executed post-deal integration;
    • Responsiveness to environmental shifts, customer requirements and information flows to management to support the decisions that need to be made and presented in an appropriate way; and
    • Effective risk management so that there is a performance focus to risk management, so that it is not simply a peripheral activity focused on the prevention of physical and financial loss at an operational level. 

    Thus, enterprise governance provides an integrated framework to help companies to focus on both the value-creating drivers that move a business forward and the need to ensure adequate control and oversight. The IFAC report provides guidance to organizations on adopting enterprise risk management, to ensure that strategic risks are considered at all times in the strategic process and to pull together all the elements required to integrate the consideration and management of risk with the everyday management of the business. The report also provides advice on how to improve the acquisition process.

    Within the framework of enterprise governance sits internal control, not only on the conformance side but also contributing significantly to performance through the provision of relevant, proactive information that determines whether strategic objectives can be achieved.  The PAIB Committee is currently developing an information paper that will review current developments and some of the latest thinking in the area of internal control, while setting out the context of recent US legislation. It will discuss a number of key internal control frameworks, such as the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, or COSO, in the US, Turnbull Guidance in the United Kingdom, and the Criteria of Control or CoCo in Canada, as well as the effect of recent legislation such as  the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

    COSO’s Internal Control Integrated Framework (1992) and Turnbull’s Guidance on Internal Control (1999) both take a much broader approach to internal control than Sarbanes-Oxley, in terms of scope, objectives and approach. They focus on all controls covering the company’s entire range of activities and operations, not just those directly related to financial reporting. An interesting fact emerged from the recent UK Turnbull Review, which stated that:

    It was felt that those companies that viewed internal control as sound business practice were more likely to have embedded it into their normal business processes, and more likely to feel that they had benefited as a result, than those that viewed it primarily as a compliance exercise.

    The PAIB Committee’s new paper will advocate a principles- and market- based, risk-focused approach, in recognition of the need for an organization to develop an internal control system particular to its internal and external environment. We encourage those organizations required to comply with Section 404 of Sarbanes Oxley to do so within a broader enterprise governance framework – thus ensuring that the business benefits outweigh the, often substantial, perceived costs of compliance. A principles-based, non-prescriptive approach has rightly been advocated in recognition of the need for organizations to develop an internal control system particular to their own specific internal and external environments.

    The preference is for an internal control system that sits within an enterprise risk management approach, enabling organizations to manage risk upwards as well as downwards. There is consensus that internal control needs to be embedded within the organization, with all employees fully informed as to how it affects their roles and their requirements in terms of monitoring and reporting. The importance of the tone at the top and of the culture and ethical framework throughout the organization is fully acknowledged and is considered essential to the successful implementation of an internal control system.

    To help professional accountants worldwide to meet these and other challenges, IFAC’s PAIB Committee has this year begun developing a series of principles-based good practice guidance statements. This development is one that is happening through the leadership and support of the IMA. The guidance will promote and support consistent and high quality practice across the global community of PAIBs. Covering topics in the areas of management control, costing and corporate finance and financial management, this new guidance will also help to raise understanding of the role of the PAIB. It will recommend objectives in relation to the role of the PAIB and define key principles, which are widely accepted features of good practice and which support the achievement of the objectives of the PAIB, and will provide practical guidance to support application of the principles.

    In conclusion, it is important to recognize that business has a central role in driving economic and social welfare but that it requires high quality information for the effective management of resources and sound corporate governance to achieve these objectives. PAIBs, as the primary providers of business information and reporting, play a crucial role in contributing to the growth and the development of business.

    Our recent publication, The Roles and Domain of the Professional Accountant in Business, was developed to build understanding of the diverse roles, competencies and value PAIBs contribute to organizations. Pointers from this document include:


    • As managers of value, PAIBs should understand that delivering sustained shareholder and stakeholder value (or “best value” as it has sometimes been described in the public sector) is the main goal when assessing alternative options. PAIBs have a key role in developing strategies for managing value and growth and in moving other functions towards these goals;
    • PAIBs have a responsibility to ensure that the organization understands fully its key performance drivers and that these are communicated in both internal and external reporting; and
    • PAIBs should ensure there is a relentless pursuit of efficiency and effectiveness from the investment base, particularly in areas such as capital expenditure, working capital management, brand management and R&D.

    Specifically, the IFAC PAIB Committee’s role is to enhance the role of PAIBs by helping them to think and to act strategically and globally and to develop the necessary knowledge and competencies to deliver sound decision making in organizations. PAIBs need to be in a position to deal with the increasing complexity of managing business. For example, the move to modular design and platform development, to enable organizations to deal with considerably shorter product and service life cycles, requires a more sophisticated approach to planning, costing, risk and control.

    The challenges for both IFAC and its member bodies, such as the IMA, are to sustain the relevance and reputation of professional accountants in business, continually to investigate and adopt new concepts and new learning models and to increase awareness of the PAIB’s capabilities. There are awareness gaps, in closing which IFAC is having a significant effect, for example, in improving accounting information in the public sector and highlighting the role of PAIBs in driving economic activity and their contribution to the governance agenda. This is coupled with IFAC’s role in supporting trust and credibility in both the wider accountancy profession and in capital markets, which is central to its mission of protecting the public interest.

    Over the past few years, IFAC has stressed its public interest objective. While some might think that that objective is confined to public practice and auditing, that is an unacceptably narrow conception of what is in the public interest and of our profession’s contribution to it. The public interest is served when organizations produce products and services that have a value greater than the resources consumed in production. Economic growth and development is in the public interest. So when we talk about the public interest, PAIBs are front and centre in meeting it. 

     IFAC’s leadership, its Board and the members of the IFAC PAIB Committee all recognize the role of PAIBs in protecting the public interest and in contributing to economic growth and stability. Through their daily work in organizations around the world, PAIBs contribute to the growth of their businesses and organizations and to greater economic prosperity for all. I would like to thank the Institute of Management Accountants for its 87 years of dedication to supporting the work of professional accountants in business and for its active involvement in IFAC over the past 25 years. It is through relationships such as ours that we can continue to focus attention on the vital work of management accountants and provide them with the resources, guidance and information that they need to ensure high quality, reliable reporting by their organizations. As the Chinese proverb says, “Careful accounts make for long friendships.”  I trust that the long friendship between IFAC and the IMA will continue, for the next quarter century and beyond, and that together we will help to support professional accountants in business as they ensure that there are careful accounts.

    Thank you very much for your attention and for your great commitment as members of our great profession.

  • IFAC Board Extends Term of Chief Executive Ian Ball

    New York English

    The Board of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has announced an extension to the contract of Chief Executive Ian Ball through December 2009. Mr. Ball assumed the position of Chief Executive in June 2002. During his tenure, he has helped to shape and implement the reforms that have strengthened IFAC standard-setting processes and has worked to enhance IFAC's relationships with international regulatory organizations as well as IFAC's member bodies, regional accountancy organizations and accounting firms.

    "We are delighted that Ian will continue to provide IFAC with his leadership at this very important time for the international profession," states IFAC President Graham Ward. "He has done much to encourage a deeper understanding by key stakeholders and the public of the role of IFAC and its member organizations in promoting quality performance by accountants worldwide."

    Looking ahead to some of the future challenges to be addressed by IFAC, Ian Ball commented: "Alongside our key objective of achieving convergence to international standards, we will be focusing increased attention on building accountancy capacity worldwide, developing and promoting the important role of professional accountants in business, and promoting sound governmental financial management and financial reporting. These activities are critical both to IFAC's mission of serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and to contributing to the development of strong and stable international economies."

    IFAC is the worldwide organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC's current membership consists of over 160 professional accountancy bodies in 120 countries, representing more than 2.5 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry and commerce. IFAC, through its independent standard-setting boards, sets international standards on ethics, auditing and assurance, education, and public sector accounting. It also issues guidance to encourage high-quality performance by professional accountants in business.