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  • Remarks from IESBA Chairwoman Gabriela Figueiredo Dias Before the IFAC Council


    I’m Gabriela Figueiredo Dias, Chair of IESBA. It is an honor to join you today in my first address to IFAC’s Council.

    My first 10 months with the IESBA have been very busy. 

    But I would like to begin by stressing, on behalf of the entire Board, how seriously we take our responsibility to protect and advance the global accountancy profession’s Code of Ethics.

    We see the IESBA’s ethics and independence standards as one of the greatest assets of the profession, one that makes the profession unique, and the framework that ties professional accountants to always act in the public interest.

    Ethics has a crucial importance to the profession. Actually, the IESBA Code underpins the profession’s reputation. Your reputation.

    It is the basis for trust in all that the profession does. And “You only have trust once.”

    Let me therefore assure you that we understand the full importance and impact of our decisions as the global ethics standard setter.

    The key question then is – How do we intend to handle this asset?

    Well, some will say the priority is to protect it, to defend it.

    That is valid of course.

    Others, however, will say that an asset like this should continue to be nurtured, to grow, adapt and evolve in the changing and dynamic world we live in.

    For me, the answer is both. A balanced approach. A purposeful one, focused on making a positive impact in the society.

    Why? Ethics is a behavioral construct for professional accountants in service of businesses and the wider society. But businesses and societal expectations evolve.

    Therefore, so must the IESBA Code.

    At the same time, the Code has proven itself in many ways – so, we must retain its operability and durability.

    As a former securities markets regulator, concerned about investor protection, I am aware of the importance of an ethical culture and leadership and of high-quality corporate information prepared and assured in accordance with the strongest ethics standards.

    Given all this, what is critical as we move ahead in ethics standard setting?

    I believe we must anchor to a clear vision.

    That vision must speak to the heart of the profession, the expectations of stakeholders, and to the dynamics of today as well as tomorrow. The vision must revolve around reinforcing…re-igniting …trust

    What does it take to be “recognized and accepted as the ‘linchpin to public trust”?

    I see three critical drivers:

    Critical Driver One: an unwavering focus on the areas of greatest opportunity, or threat, and a commitment to act with agility and impact.

    Right now, that opportunity is sustainability.

    The international regulatory community has recognized the IESBA’s critical role in the future of sustainability standard setting.

    In September, IOSCO and the FSB have publicly recognized the IESBA’s critical role in the future of sustainability standard setting, urging us to develop profession-agnostic sustainability ethics standards to complete the infrastructure needed for transparent, relevant, and trustworthy sustainability reporting.

    There is actually global appreciation that the IESBA Code sets the high ethical bar needed to underpin confidence in corporate information. Based on that experience and demonstrated relevance, the IESBA is particularly well positioned to also set the ethics standards needed to support trust in sustainability information.

    We are conscious of the urgency of an integrated approach to sustainability, where all professionals, sectors and organizations play a role.

    Therefore, we have committed publicly to developing timely, fit-for-purpose ethics and independence standards for sustainability reporting and assurance, usable by any provider, in coordination with the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and, of course, our close friends at the IAASB.

    The world is aligning… Ethics is being recognized as an equal pillar and an enveloping element of the infrastructure, besides reporting and assurance standards.

    Critical Driver Two: a commitment to foster a community of active stakeholders, both inside and outside of the accountancy profession.

    Our relevance and the impact of our outputs depend on the diversity of our stakeholders, on the intensity of our outreach to them, and on our openness to address their needs and their inputs.

    As an example, coordinating with the IAASB and the ISSB, and engaging with national standard setters, jurisdictional bodies, and others, is for us an essential instrument of work and progress.

    Doing with the others, and not in spite of them, is our motto and our safeguard against irrelevance.


    Critical Driver Number Three: Relentless agility and prioritization.

    Prioritization in delivering on our promises and ensuring quality.

    Prioritization in observing trends, changes and transformation, incorporating it in our reflections and work, and being agile in doing the necessary adjustments.

    And prioritization in the transformation of the Board as it implements the Monitoring Group recommendations. 

    With all this in mind, if you are asking… how can we help?

    I will tell you how:

    Please prioritize the adoption and implementation of the IESBA Code in your own jurisdictions, including the future sustainability ethics standards.

    IFAC has been a great partner in adoption and implementation support. I have seen this firsthand during my first year here, and I applaud Kevin and his team.

    Please also continue to help us communicate the relevance and importance of ethics in the accountancy profession, and walk the talk.

    Continue to promote and engage with us on our exposure drafts and other dialogue opportunities.

    What you do with this great asset, the IESBA’s global ethics standards, and how you advance it in your own communities, matters for the IESBA’s ethics standards to be the linchpin of public trust.

    My full report is in your material, it is rich with details. I welcome any comments or questions while we are together in Mumbai.


    Given November 15, 2022

  • Gaylen R. Hansen Reappointed Chair of the Advisory Group to Global Ethics Standards Board

    New York, NY English

    Gaylen R. Hansen has been reappointed as the chair of the Consultative Advisory Group (CAG) to the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA), effective October 1, 2022. Mr. Hansen’s reappointment, approved by the Public Interest Oversight Board, follows his re-election by IESBA CAG members at the September 2022 CAG meeting.

    The IESBA CAG is an independent body comprising regulators, preparers, international investors and user groups, and other stakeholders interested in developing and maintaining high-quality international ethics (including independence) standards for professional accountants and designed to serve the public interest.

    "It is an honor to be re-elected by my colleagues," said Mr. Hansen. "I am confident that the IESBA CAG will continue to play an important role in providing invaluable advice not only on IESBA's key projects for the coming year but also on its future strategic vision and goals."

    "Under Gaylen’s stewardship, the CAG has made significant contributions to the IESBA's standard-setting projects. The CAG’s perspectives, insights, and suggestions have enriched the IESBA’s considerations and deliberations in the broadest possible sense, enabling the board to advance high-quality ethics and independence standards in the public interest," said Gabriela Figueiredo Dias, IESBA Chair.

    Mr. Hansen will serve as IESBA CAG Chair until December 31, 2023, when the IESBA CAG and the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) CAG will both be transitioned to a new IAASB and IESBA Stakeholder Advisory Council (SAC). The creation of the SAC1  is one of the outcomes of implementing the Monitoring Group’s recommendations regarding strengthening the international audit and ethics standard-setting system.

    About Mr. Hansen

    Mr. Hansen retired as an audit partner of EKS&H in 2018 following over forty years of engagement in the accounting profession. His career has encompassed lengthy periods in public practice as an auditor and quality control partner and briefly as the controller of a small private company that went public during his tenure. Since 2010, he has represented the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) on the Consultative Advisory Groups (CAGs) for the IESBA and the IAASB.

    Previously he has served on the AICPA's Auditing Standards Board, which promulgates practice standards for the audits of all U.S. non-issuers, as a chair of NASBA and on the Colorado State Board of Accountancy, which regulates and disciplines all the state's certified public accountants and their firms. He has also served on the AICPA's Professional Ethics Executive Committee (PEEC), establishing and enforcing the ethics and independence requirements in the AICPA's Code of Professional Conduct. He is a former member of the PCAOB's Standing Advisory Group (SAG) and, during 2007 – 2008, served on the U.S. Treasury's Advisory Committee on the Auditing Profession (ACAP).


    About the IESBA CAG

    The IESBA Consultative Advisory Group (CAG) is an integral and important part of the IESBA's formal process of consultation. Representatives of CAG member organizations provide advice on numerous areas, including the IESBA's agenda, project timetable (work program) and priorities, and technical advice on projects and other matters of relevance to the activities of the IESBA.

    About the IESBA

    The IESBA is an independent global standard-setting board. The IESBA's mission is to serve the public interest by setting ethics standards, including auditor independence requirements, which seek to raise the bar for ethical conduct and practice for all professional accountants through a robust, globally operable International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) (the Code).

    The IESBA believes a single set of high-quality ethics standards enhances the quality and consistency of services provided by professional accountants, thus contributing to public trust and confidence in the accountancy profession. The IESBA sets its standards in the public interest with advice from the IESBA Consultative Advisory Group (CAG) and under the oversight of the Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB).

    1    The call for nominations for membership of the new SAC is expected to be issued in Q1 2023.

  • IESBA Releases Comprehensive Research on Impacts of Technology on Ethics; Reaffirms Relevance, Applicability and Need for #IESBACode in Accounting Profession

    New York, NY English

    Today, the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) released its Technology Working Group’s final report, IESBA Technology Working Group Phase 2 Report (the Report).

    Building on the February 2020 Phase 1 Report, the Report documents the impacts of disruptive and transformative technologies on the work of professional accountants, and provides extensive analysis and insights into the ethical dimension of those developments. The report also discusses the relevance and importance of the overarching principles and specific provisions in the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) (the Code) in laying out the ethical guardrails for professional accountants as they face opportunities and challenges in their work as a result of rapid digitalization.

    The Report surveys the technology landscape and summarizes the outcomes of the Working Group’s fact-finding into the ethics implications of innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and cloud computing. It explores -- through the ethical lens -- various related issues, including data governance, cybersecurity, and reliance on, or use of, experts, and provides insights into those issues and the questions they raise. The Report includes ten recommendations which the IESBA will further consider, some of which it is already addressing in developing technology-related revisions to the Code.

    The Report has been informed by the IESBA’s Technology Expert Group and the input of a diverse group of stakeholders, including investors, regulators, those charged with governance, firms, national standard setters, professional accountancy organizations, public sector organizations, and academics. 

    Stakeholders, including the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) (and its member organizations), national standards setters, academics, firms, and others are encouraged to study and leverage the Report’s comprehensive findings as they consider how best to reinforce public trust in the work of professional accountants in business and in public practice in the age of digitalization.


    Learn more on the IESBA’s Technology Initiative by clicking here.

    Report Contains Recommendations to Reinforce Centrality of Ethics in the Digital Age