The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) issued Action Plan for Fighting Corruption and Economic Crime in September 2022 to enhance the accountancy profession’s contribution to, and support of, a robust anti-corruption ecosystem.
The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) released a report in November 2022 that focused on corporate emissions reduction reporting and found that inconsistency and incomparability of target disclosures may pose challenges for investors, regulators, and other stakeholders who require...
The body that sets global auditing rules published its proposed strategy for the years 2024-27, saying it wants to set the first international rules for checking sustainability disclosures.
The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, launching a consultation on the proposals Wednesday...
With uncertain economic times often presenting new opportunities for criminal activities, all actors—public and private—need to work together to counteract financial fraud, including money laundering. Failure to do so can have devastating consequences, funding other serious crimes, including slavery and drug trafficking.
Companies operating globally will soon face mandatory sustainability reporting requirements, which must be audited. Initially, the checks will be less strict than for financial reporting, but that is expected to change.
In this podcast, Ian provides his take on recent public sector financial management developments including sustainability reporting and future pressure on the standard setter in light of increased adoption of accruals accounting.
Businesses should be careful not to let the legal and regulatory requirements being introduced in the sustainability disclosure arena to overshadow the need to embed sustainability into core business operations.
To adequately incorporate sustainability factors into core operating functions...
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and the International Federation of Accountants released a joint report Thursday on fostering the professionalization of the public finance workforce and building its capabilities to improve public financial management.