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  • IFAC Response to the European Commission’s Non-Financial Reporting Directive Review


    IFAC continues to speak out on behalf of the global accounting profession on the topic of non-financial reporting, most recently in response to the European Commission’s review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). This review marks another valuable step in the dialogue and evolution toward relevant, reliable, and comparable reporting of non-financial information. A summary of IFAC’s response is available on its website.

    IFAC urges the Commission to adopt a global mindset by engaging input from a broad range of international stakeholders in determining the best way forward.  Steps taken must “fit within” a global system and avoid regional regulatory fragmentation.

    Non-financial reporting answers the call from investors and other providers of capital for better, broader information about company performance and prospects for value creation, while also helping identify opportunities to support sustainable—and less carbon-reliant—business models. In the post-COVID world, corporate reporting that reflects the needs of a broad range of stakeholders will be particularly important to communicate on an organization’s performance and priorities.   

    As a Network Partner of the B20, IFAC calls on global bodies—including the G20—to encourage policy-makers, standard-setters, and regulators to facilitate harmonization towards a globally-acceptable approach to reporting ESG metrics and disclosures.

    IFAC supports reporting requirements that address both societal and company performance impacts and that anticipate the needs of specific markets. Any jurisdiction-specific reporting requirements need to conform with metrics and disclosures that are part of a globally accepted system so that comparability is achieved. 

    The accountancy profession is critical to evidence-based decision making, reliable information gathering, and consistent, comparable corporate reporting. Active engagement by the profession on this topic will maximize the benefits of a global solution to non-financial reporting that best serves shareholders and the broader public interest.

    As the global voice of the accounting profession, IFAC remains committed to advocating for a comprehensive approach to non-financial reporting through its contributions to global consultations and engagements.

  • New IPSASB Staff Q&A Addresses Climate Change


    Climate change presents an existential threat for individuals, societies and economies. Compounded by the economic losses that the COVID-19 pandemic presents, there is a need for financial reporting and information that provides a clear, forward-looking, long-term view of an organization’s finances and sustainability – particularly for governments and other public sector entities.

    As principles-based standards, governments and public sector entities can apply existing IPSAS literature to report on sustainability issues, including climate change risks, and to communicate progress towards achieving goals such as the SDGs.

    To help stakeholders understand how to apply the Board’s current guidance to provide clear, comparable, and relevant information on climate change, the IPSASB Staff have published a Questions & Answers (Q&A) document highlighting the relevant standards and guidance for the public sector. The Staff Q&A addresses key questions such as:

    • Is there any existing IPSASB literature relevant to consider for climate change reporting?
    • When governments or public sector entities have strategies and programs in place to manage climate change risks, how should these be treated?
    • When governments or public sector entities adopt the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), what IPSAS financial reporting guidance should be considered?

    The Staff Q&A on Climate Change is intended to help drive transparency and sustainability in reporting on public finances. Further guidance on the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of natural resources is also being considered by the IPSASB as part of its project on Natural Resources.

    About the IPSASB
    The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) works to strengthen public financial management globally through developing and maintaining accrual-based International Public Sector Accounting Standards® (IPSAS®) and other high-quality financial reporting guidance for use by governments and other public sector entities. It also raises awareness of IPSAS and the benefits of accrual adoption. The Board receives support from the Asian Development Bank, the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, the New Zealand External Reporting Board, and the governments of Canada and New Zealand. The structures and processes that support the operations of the IPSASB are facilitated by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). For copyright, trademark, and permissions information, please go to permissions or contact

    About the Public Interest Committee
    The governance and standard-setting activities of the IPSASB are overseen by the Public Interest Committee (PIC), to ensure that they follow due process and reflect the public interest. The PIC is comprised of individuals with expertise in public sector or financial reporting, and professional engagement in organizations that have an interest in promoting high-quality and internationally comparable financial information.

  • IFAC SMP Committee Response to the IESBA: Proposed Revisions to the Non-Assurance Services

    The no tolerance stance (i.e., outright removal of the materiality threshold) proposed by IESBA for PIEs (and, for some services, also applies to the non-PIEs) is based on the argument that perception of independence in appearance is key, whereas the IESBA’s mechanism has been the application of the reasonable and informed third party test, which was designed for this purpose and is instead being overridden. A third-party test might not lead to the same outcome as a no stance approach in all cases as the former allows for flexibility.

  • Climate Change: Relevant IPSASB Guidance

    This Questions and Answers (Q&A) publication is issued by the Staff of the IPSASB to discuss the relevance of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and related Recommended Practice Guidelines (RPG) for reporting on both climate change and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the general purpose financial reports of public sector entities. 
