
Andrew Gambier
United Kingdom
Andrew Gambier is Head of Audit and Assurance within the global Professional Insights team of ACCA. He leads ACCA's policy on audit and assurance matters, including thought leadership publications and responses to consultations.
Mr. Gambier is the author of Banishing Bias: Audit, Objectivity and the Value of Professional Scepticism, which uses learning from psychology to propose how auditors, standard setters, audit regulators and other stakeholders can support better professional scepticism.
In addition to his IAASB role, Mr. Gambier provides technical support to Zbigniew Libera on Accountancy Europe's Audit and Assurance Policy Group. He represents ACCA on Accountancy Europe's IAASB and US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board sub-committees.
Mr. Gambier trained as an auditor with KPMG and has ten years' worth of experience of auditing listed companies in both the UK and US. Heis a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and a graduate of Clare College, Cambridge.