Elbano de Nuccio
Prof. Elbano de Nuccio is a former IFAC Board member, nominated by the Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (CNDCEC) in Italy.
Prof. Elbano is a University Researcher in Business Administration at the University of Bari Lum Jean Monnet as well as a professor. He also owns a professional practice as Dottore Commercialista and statutory auditor with multi-year experience in business administration, corporate advisory services, accounting, taxation and financial advisory for private companies and public sector entities operating at national and international level and planning and management control.
Prof. Elbano is also the President of the Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti and Esperti Contabili of Bari, local branch of ODCEC. In this role, as well as his previous role as Secretary Council Member, he is engaged in all the diverse areas of the profession, from ethics to the development of the profession, disciplinary proceedings to operations and financial administration of the entity, relations with relevant institutions to the compliance of the entity with relevant regulations and laws.
Prof. Elbano has been a member of Public Sector Entities Committee of CNDCEC (2006-2008). He is a member of SIDREA (Italian Association of Professors of Accounting and Business Administration) and he is currently a member of the Executive board of theOrganismo Italiano di Contabilità, the Italian accounting standard setter.
Mr. de Nuccio is a Chartered Accountant, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a Registered Auditor with a Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) and a Ph.D. in Economics.