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Idésio Coelho

Job Title

President, IBRACON, Senior Partner, EY, & IFAC Board Member

Idésio Coelho became a member of the IFAC Board in November 2016 after being nominated by the Instituto dos Auditores Independentes do Brasil and Conselho Federal de Contabilidade (IBRACON). Mr. Coelho is a Brazilian certified accountant and auditing professional. He is a senior partner leading the risk management for EY in Brazil, where he has worked for more than 30 years. He is also the regulatory matters leader for South America EY operations. He has experience in local and cross-border listing activities, in quality matters and inspection activities of audit firms. Mr. Coelho is also the President of IBRACON and an active member of the Federal Accounting Council (CFC). He is also the Chair of Trustees of the Foundation supporting the Brazilian Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC). In his multiple years and roles serving the accounting profession through IBRACON, CFC, and CPC he has supported the convergence and adoption of the International Auditing Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards in Brazil. Mr. Coelho is graduated from the Fundação Santo André, Brazil with an accountancy degree.