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Chiara Mio



Chiara Mio joined the IFAC Board in November 2020; she was nominated by the Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori
Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili.

Ms. Mio is a CPA and statutory auditor in Pordenone (Venice) and chairs the National Working Group on Social Reporting,
CNDCEC's Sustainability and Corporate Reporting Working Group, and the ESG task force of the Sustainability Group at
Accountancy Europe. 

Ms. Mio is Full Professor at Ca' Foscari State University of Venezia, teaching corporate reporting, management control,
strategic planning and sustainability management and contributes to the sustainability strategy of Ca' Foscari from 2009 to
2014. She is also director of an innovative master degree on management of strategic social innovation, member of the
association of accounting and management professors (SIDREA), the association of history of accounting studies
(SISR), of the Academy of Business Studies (AIEA), the Editorial board, and a reviewer for several national and
international journals.

Ms. Mio is the author of articles and books about integrated reporting, social responsibility, performance measurement
and sustainability as a strategic perspective in value creation. In her professional life she serves on the board of directors
of different listed companies, chairs the sustainability committees of important groups and, in 2014, was appointed as
Chair of Crédit Agricole Italia Group, the first woman in this role in Italy.

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