Sharon Machado
Head of Sustainable Business
Sharon Machado is the head of sustainable business within ACCA’s Policy and Insights team. Sharon and her team generate future looking thought leadership research and influence policy relating to the technical domains of sustainable finance, skills development, ethics, corporate reporting, tax, business law, audit and assurance. This work has the aim of driving better business through the role of professional accountants, and in this work, Sharon takes a holistic view to how the domains connect to underpin sustainable business, the skills and action required. Education enabling the conversion of technical knowledge into action is vital, and Sharon regularly incorporates this into her own work. Her passion for education was gained from preparing students for the technical and professional demands of accountancy qualifications, which she did prior to joining ACCA in 2008. Since joining ACCA, her roles have also included shaping the ACCA Qualification and its digital transformation, an area to which she continues to input.