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Audit Evidence

The objectives of the project are to:

(a)   Explore issues relevant to audit evidence, including those arising from technology, professional skepticism and the growing number of sources of information available to auditors .

(b)   Identify and implement actions to address these issues, which may include revisions to ISA 500 or other actions, such as non-authoritative guidance.

IPSASB CAG Virtual Meeting

Toronto, Canada

Dec 7, 2020
Additional notes: Public Gallery Observers will view the December virtual meeting through our IPSASB YouTube Page link here:

IPSASB Virtual Meeting: December 8-11, 2020

Virtual Meeting

Dec 8 - 11, 2020
Additional notes: All Meeting dates for December Meeting: December 1-2 December 8-11 December 15 Public Gallery Observers will view the December meeting through the IPSASB YouTube Page here:

IESBA Staff Release Updated FAQs on Long Association


The Staff of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) has released an updated Q&A publication to support the adoption and implementation of the revised long association provisions .  This publication is a revised version of the  published in May 2017. It contains additional frequently asked questions and is aligned to the revised and restructured International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) (the Code), issued by the IESBA in April 2018.

The Q&A publication is designed to highlight, illustrate, or explain aspects of the revised partner rotation regime in the Code and thereby assist in their proper application. It is intended to assist national standards setters, firms, IFAC member bodies and others as they adopt and/or implement the revised and restructured long association provisions in Part 4A of the Code.