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Perspectives on the Way Forward for Strengthening the Oversight and Operations of the International Audit & Assurance and Ethics Standards Boards

A good deal of constructive thought, consultation with key stakeholders and analysis has gone into the Monitoring Group’s review of international standard setting since the process began in early 2015.

Informed by these analyses, consultations and roundtables, IFAC developed a paper, “Perspectives on the Way Forward for Strengthening the Oversight and Operations of the International Audit & Assurance and Ethics Standards Boards” that aims to identify concerns and propose improvements.


Call for Nominations for the IPSASB Consultative Advisory Group


The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) seeks nominations from individuals, or representatives from organizations, interested in serving as a member of the IPSASB Consultative Advisory Group (CAG).

The CAG is an integral part of the IPSASB’s formal process for consultation and a forum for the IPSASB to obtain the views of those interested in, or affected by, the development and maintenance of high-quality International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). CAG members have an opportunity to get involved in shaping the development of IPSAS.  

CAG members serve an initial term of three years. The CAG meets twice a year in different locations across the globe. Interested nominees should be committed to attending each meeting in person.

The IPSASB is particularly interested in nominees with skills and experience that include:

  • Deep understanding of IPSAS; such as those involved in the adoption and implementation of IPSAS or IPSAS-based standards;
  • Strong knowledge of public financial management; and/or
  • Ability to perceive strategic public sector issues important to financial reporting and the use of financial statements.

Geographic and gender diversity remain a top priority in the IPSASB’s nominations process. In pursuit of a globally representative advisory group, we particularly encourage women and those from Africa, Asia, and Latin America to apply.

How to Apply:

Those interested in CAG membership should submit their nominations by email to The nomination should include the CV and contact details of the nominee, as well as a cover letter that notes the reasons for their interest and the value they would add to the CAG.

Nominations are due by October 31, 2018.

IPSASB Observer Guidelines

  1. Meetings of the IPSASB are held at various locations around the world. The number of seats that can be made available for public observers may be limited depending on the location. For this reason, we ask those who wish to attend to complete and return the registration form as soon as possible
  2. Observers are asked to sign in on arrival at the meeting. Persons who have not given advance notification of their attendance will be admitted only if space permits.