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IAESB Observer Guidelines

  1. Meetings of the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) are held at various locations around the world. The number of seats that can be made available for public observers may be limited depending on the location. For this reason, we ask those who wish to attend to complete and return the registration form to the IAESB as soon as possible.
  2. Observers are asked to sign in on arrival at the meeting. Your name badge will be given to you then.

IESBA Observer Guidelines

  1. Meetings of the IESBA are held at various locations around the world. The number of seats that can be made available for public observers may be limited depending on the location. For this reason, we ask those who wish to attend to complete and return the registration form to the IESBA as soon as possible.
  2. Observers are asked to sign in on arrival at the meeting. Your badge will be given to you then.

IAASB Observer Guidelines

  1. Meetings of the IAASB are held at various locations around the world. The number of seats that can be made available for public observers may be limited depending on the location. For this reason, we ask those who wish to attend to complete and return the registration form to the IAASB as soon as possible.
  2. Observers are asked to sign in on arrival at the meeting. Your badge will be given to you then.