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Sara Ashton


United Kingdom

Sara Ashton is a Managing Director in Grant Thornton’s National Professional Services Group. She is involved in monitoring IAASB's activities on behalf of the international firm, including developing responses to IAASB public consultations.

She also is involved in updating Grant Thornton's UK and US audit methodology, reflecting local and international changes in regulations and in auditing standards and in developing responses, on behalf of Grant Thornton UK, to auditing consultation papers issued in the UK.

Prior to joining Grant Thornton, Ms. Ashton was a Senior Technical Manager at the IAASB, and has worked for large firms in the UK, the US, and Canada. She has also served as a technical advisor to IAASB members.

Ms. Ashton is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)'s ISA and PCAOB Panels and is the chair of the ICAEW’s Estimates Working Group. She holds a Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Economics and Accounting, is a fellow of the ICAEW, a Certified Public Accountant, and a member of the American Institute of CPAs.
