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Companion Manual: Updated to Include the Guide to Compilation Engagements


The International Federation of Accountants® (IFAC®), the global organization for the accountancy profession, today released an updated Companion Manual, which has been revised to include the recently launched Guide to Compilation Engagements. The Companion Manual provides member bodies and other professional accountancy organizations with guidance on how they can make the best use of four implementation guides produced by IFAC’s Small- and Medium-sized Practices (SMP) Committee: Guide to Quality Control for Small- and Medium-Sized Practices (QC Guide), Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities (ISA Guide), the Guide to Review Engagements, and the Guide to Compilation Engagements. This includes reproducing, adapting, translating, or incorporating the guides into continuing professional development (CPD) courses and/or training programs.

The Companion Manual also includes a new orientation PowerPoint slide deck on the Guide to Compilation Engagements to introduce users to the value and benefits of compilation engagements, key elements in the Guide, and highlights from a practitioner perspective. Member bodies may have access to the slides for use in training and CPD courses. Email for access.

The four guides provide non-authoritative guidance on applying ISQC™ 1, ISA™, ISRE™ 2400 (Revised), and ISRS™ 4410 (Revised), developed exclusively by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board® (IAASB®), and are intended as a supplement to help practitioners apply the standards consistently and effectively when developing their quality control systems and performing audit, review, and compilation engagements for small- and medium-sized entities (SMEs). See the IAASB Handbook for access to the standards ISQC™ 1 ISA™, ISRE™ 2400 (Revised), and ISRS™ 4410 (Revised).

The Guides can be downloaded from the SMP area of the IFAC website.

Download the Companion Manual.

IFAC Urges G-20 Action on Growth: Good Regulation and Improved Public Sector Financial Management Critical

New York, New York English

The International Federation of Accountants® (IFAC®) has today submitted 12 recommendations for endorsement by the Group of Twenty (G-20), urging action on issues impacting the G-20 priorities of robust, inclusive growth.

“Quite a bit has been achieved through the G-20’s leadership under the substantial pressures of the global financial crisis—but now is no time for complacency,” said Fayezul Choudhury, IFAC’s Chief Executive Officer.

IFAC’s 12 recommendations focus on:

  • Good governance and regaining trust in key public and private sector structures, frameworks, and organizational and regulatory arrangements;
  • Globally consistent, good regulation, that enables, promotes, and does not hamper growth and good governance;
  • Resolving poor financial management, transparency, and accountability that persists in many G-20 countries and beyond; and
  • A transparent, fair, and effectual international taxation system, and the need for collaboration and inclusiveness in implementing reforms.

“We’re at a crucial juncture—growth continues to wane or completely elude economies around the world despite massive, unsustainable monetary stimulus since the global financial crisis. A complex, fragmented regulatory environment is emerging, and there is no clear sight of how this is impacting growth,” said Mr. Choudhury.

Approximately two-thirds of respondents to IFAC’s 2015 Global Regulatory Survey, a study of accounting, finance, and business professionals worldwide, said regulation is having a significant or very significant impact on their organizations’ opportunities to grow and innovate.

In addition to an urgent assessment of the evolving regulatory environment, IFAC’s recommendations include that the G-20 promote development and adoption of clear principles for high quality regulation, and that it issues a clear call for the adoption and implementation of international accounting and auditing standards.

“The public’s trust and confidence in government is at the heart of achieving robust, inclusive growth. Poor public sector financial management, accountability, and transparency remain significant problems in many countries—resolving this is long overdue,” said Mr. Choudhury.

IFAC recommends that the G-20 commission urgent and fundamental work toward changes needed in the public sector to protect the public and investors in government bonds, promote greater transparency and accountability, and actively encourage and facilitate accrual-based accounting by governments and public sector institutions.

About IFAC
IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession, dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. It is comprised of more than 175 members and associates in 130 countries and jurisdictions, representing over 2.8 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.

IFAC Recommendations for the Turkish G-20 Presidency, 2015

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has today submitted 12 recommendations for endorsement by the Group of Twenty (G-20), urging action on issues impacting the G-20 priorities of robust, inclusive growth.

IFAC’s 12 recommendations focus on:


Important Partnership Announced for Uganda’s Accountancy Profession and Qualification

New York, New York English

The International Federation of Accountants® (IFAC®), the global organization for the accountancy profession, today announced a major milestone for the accountancy profession in Uganda. A joint venture between global accountancy body ICAS and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) has been selected to partner with the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU) to strengthen accountancy education, qualification, and examinations; quality assurance; continuing professional development; and public sector financial management in Uganda.

In 2014, IFAC received almost £5 million from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) to fund professional accountancy organization (PAO) capacity building in ten emerging countries over a period of seven years. Today’s announcement continues to build on the promise of the 2014 funding agreement.

“By working together, ICAS and CIPFA will combine world-class expertise in PAO capacity building and public sector financial management, both of which are areas of development opportunity  in Uganda,” according to IFAC Executive Director, Strategy, and COO Alta Prinsloo. “This joint venture will draw from ICAS’ 20+ years of development experience and CIPFA’s specialization in the public sector—a marriage that will produce strong, sustainable results for the accountancy profession in Uganda and, ultimately, contribute to the economy in Uganda.”

“ICAS and CIPFA together are extremely well placed to deliver a partnership and program with ICPAU,” said ICAS CEO Anton Colella. “ICAS has a long-standing relationship with ICPAU and Uganda, which we will be drawing from and building on—and which we believe will lead to a profession and PAO in Uganda that is robust, sustainable, prepared for the future, and ready to grow with the nation.”

“CIPFA champions improved performance of public services across the world by driving effective and efficient use of public money,” CIPFA CEO Rob Whiteman said. “Helping ICPAU work with the Ugandan central and local governments to improve public financial management and training to all levels of the government will lead to accountants working in the public sector to ensure transparency and accountability.”

The selection of ICAS and CIPFA was made following a global Call for Expressions of Interest and an extensive proposal and review process involving multiple global organizations and the IFAC PAO Capacity Building Program Oversight Committee and Independent Selection Panel. This partnership is the second in a series of projects around the world making use of the funding IFAC received from DFID.

About IFAC
IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession, dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. It is comprised of more than 175 members and associates in 130 countries and jurisdictions, representing approximately 2.8 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.

About ICAS
ICAS is a professional body for more than 20,000 world class business men and women who work in the UK and in more than 100 countries around the world. Members have all achieved the internationally recognised and respected CA qualification (Chartered Accountant). ICAS is an educator, examiner, regulator and thought leader. Almost two thirds of ICAS’ working membership are in business; many leading some of the UK's and the world's great companies. The others work in accountancy practices ranging from the Big Four in The City to the small practitioner in rural areas.

CIPFA, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, is the professional body for people in public finance. Our 14,000 members work throughout the public services, in national audit agencies, in major accountancy firms, and in other bodies where public money needs to be effectively and efficiently managed. As the world's only professional accountancy body to specialise in public services, we champion high performance in public services, translating our experience and insight into clear advice and practical services. Globally, CIPFA shows the way in public finance by standing up for sound public financial management and good governance. We work with donors, partner governments, accountancy bodies and the public sector around the world to advance public finance and support better public services

About DFID
The UK Department for International Development (DFID) leads the UK’s work to end extreme poverty. They are ending the need for aid by creating jobs, unlocking the potential of girls and women and helping to save lives when humanitarian emergencies hit. For more information, visit

IFAC Selects ICAS and CIPFA to Develop Uganda’s Accountancy Profession in DFID-Funded Program

IAASB Propone Cambios a la Presentación de Información en Estados Financieros Resumidos

Nueva York, Nueva York Spanish

El Consejo de Normas Internacionales de Auditoría y Aseguramiento® (IAASB®)   ha publicado un Borrador de Consulta en el que propone cambios a la Norma Internacional de AuditoríaTM (NIATM) 810, Encargos para informar sobre estados financieros resumidos. La NIA 810 abarca las responsabilidades del auditor frente al compromiso de informar sobre estados financieros resumidos derivados de estados financieros auditados —en conformidad con las NIA—, por el mismo auditor. El IAASB propone enmiendas conformes limitadas a la NIA 810, debido a la emisión de sus estándares nuevos y revisados sobre los dictámenes del auditor, los cuales abordan los informes de auditoría sobre estados financieros con propósito general.

“En vista de sus iniciativas generales por mejorar los informes del auditor, el IAASB considera que es de interés público poder ofrecer a los usuarios de estados financieros resumidos una mayor transparencia en circunstancias donde la información adicional -como asuntos clave de auditoría- se comunica en los informes relacionados del auditor a partir de los estados financieros auditados”, explicó el profesor Arnold Schilder, presidente del IAASB. “Los cambios propuestos para la NIA 810 representan un enfoque equilibrado teniendo en cuenta el objetivo de un compromiso para informar sobre estados financieros resumidos y el informe que se debe emitir”.

“El enfoque del Consejo reconoce igualmente que la manera en que se preparan y presentan los estados financieros resumidos puede variar entre países, dependiendo de los criterios empleados, por lo que los organismos emisores de estándares de auditoría nacionales podrían realizar ajustes adicionales a la NIA 810 en sus jurisdicciones”, informó Kathleen Healy, Directora Técnica del IAASB. “Por consiguiente, el Consejo está particularmente interesado en recibir las observaciones de las partes interesadas de dichas jurisdicciones, donde se emiten con frecuencia informes de acuerdo con la NIA 810, para así comprender si los cambios propuestos podrán ser implementados y si se podrá esperar que sean de beneficio para los usuarios de estos informes”.    

El IAASB ha emitido sus propuestas con un periodo de comentarios de 90 días, con el fin de terminarlas de manera oportuna y alinear la fecha de entrada en vigor de la NIA 810 (revisada) con la fecha de entrada en vigor de las Normas nuevas y revisadas sobre los Dictámenes del Auditor (es decir, para auditorías de estados financieros correspondientes a periodos que finalizan en o después de diciembre 15 de 2016).

Cómo comentar
El IAASB invita a todas las partes interesadas a responder este Borrador de Consulta, el cual incluye preguntas específicas sobre aspectos clave de las propuestas, y resalta las áreas de enfoque para diferentes partes interesadas que contesten a este Borrador. Para acceder al Borrador de Consulta y enviar sus comentarios, favor visitar el sitio web del IAASB en Los comentarios al Borrador de Consulta deben ser enviados antes de noviembre 2, 2015.

Acerca del Consejo de Normas Internacionales de Auditoría y Aseguramiento (IAASB)
El IAASB desarrolla normas y guías de auditoría y aseguramiento para uso de todos los contadores profesionales, bajo un proceso compartido de emisión de normas que involucra al Consejo de Supervisión del Interés Público (PIOB), el cual supervisa las actividades del IAASB, y al Grupo Consultivo Asesor del IAASB, el cual genera aportes de interés público para el desarrollo de normas y guías. Las estructuras y los procesos que soportan las operaciones del IAASB son facilitados por la Federación Internacional de Contadores (IFAC).

Acerca de IFAC©
IFAC es la organización global para la profesión contable, dedicada a servir el interés público a través del fortalecimiento de la profesión y la contribución para el desarrollo de economías internacionales sólidas. La IFAC se compone de 175 miembros y asociados en 130 países y territorios, representando aproximadamente a 2,8 millones de contadores en la práctica pública, la educación, el gobierno, la industria y el comercio.

IAASB Proposes Changes for Reporting on Summary Financial Statements