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IESBA eNews: November 2015

Revamped Ethics Standards in 2017

IESBA Chairman Stavros Thomadakis and Deputy Chair Wui San Kwok are interviewed by Singapore’s Business Times.


We are IESBA

New interviews in the ongoing “We are IESBA” series from Deputy Chair Wui San Kwok and IESBA members Claire Ighodaro and Peter Hughes.

IESBA: September Meeting Highlights

The most recent IESBA meeting was held in September in New York. Meeting highlights include updates on the Structure of the Code, Safeguards, and Part C of the Code projects.


Non-Compliance with Laws & Regulations Update

The comment period for the Exposure Draft, Responding to Non-Compliance with Laws & Regulations, closed on September 4, 2015. Seventy-six comment letters were received. The board will discuss significant comments and related Task Force proposals at its December meeting. 


2015 Code of Ethics Handbook

The 2015 edition of the Handbook of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants is available. Register or log in for access to the web-based IESBA Handbook for personal use or to purchase print copies.


IESBA 2014 Annual Report

Following the global financial crisis, the IESBA worked to enhance responsiveness to emerging issues amidst heightened scrutiny on ethics, while delivering on its existing strategic commitments.


IESBA Outreach

The IESBA has continued to pursue an active outreach agenda in 2015 pursuant to its strategic commitment to engage with its broad range of stakeholders, including a semi-annual meeting with the IESBA Consultative Advisory Group to exchange views on current projects, and emerging issues. 


2017 Call for Nominations

The Call for Nominations for the Independent Standard-Setting Boards in 2017 sets out upcoming opportunities for membership on the IESBA. Along with the IFAC-published Developing a Nominations Strategyit offers guidance in identifying the most qualified candidate for available positions.


IESBA is Hiring. Apply Today!

The IESBA is recruiting at the Deputy Director and Senior Technical Manager levels for its staff team based in New York. Visit Working at IFAC for full job descriptions andrequired skills and experience for these roles. 


Upcoming Dates
  • November 30-December 4, 2015: IESBA Meeting, New York. 
  • March 7, 2016: IESBA CAG Meeting, Paris, France. 

For more info, or to register to attend a meeting as an observer, visit Ethics Board Meetings and Ethics Board CAG Meetings


IFAC Releases New Thought Paper Setting Out a Vision for Integrated Thinking

New York, New York English

To facilitate the contribution of professional accountants to integrated thinking—and help align capital allocation, corporate behavior, financial stability, and sustainable development—the International Federation of Accountants® (IFAC®), the global organization for the accountancy profession, today published Creating Value with Integrated Thinking: The Role of Professional Accountants.

The thought paper sets out a vision for integrated thinking and explores what professional accountants working in the public and private sectors can do in practical terms to facilitate it in their organization, regardless of whether their organization is planning to publish an integrated report. It identifies five key elements, which, if implemented, can lead to more effective organizations. This ultimately provides the basis for shifting from today’s financially oriented reporting to integrated reporting.

“Integrated reporting continues to gain global momentum and help change the way businesses think about creating value over time. But it is integrated thinking that will ultimately change corporate behavior and lead to more resilient organizations and greater trust in business and government,” said IFAC CEO Fayez Choudhury. ”Professional accountants—as business partners involved in organizational leadership and decision support—can use integrated thinking as a means of engaging those beyond the finance and accounting departments to facilitate resilient organizations that create value over the short, medium, and long term.”

The thought paper reflects integrated thinking as we understand it today, given that this is a period of experimentation for many organizations. It explores what integrated thinking involves, as well as its challenges and how they can be overcome, and advances a meaningful understanding of its role and power. Notably, the publication also discusses how integrated reporting both improves and is improved by integrated thinking.

About IFAC
IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession, dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. It is comprised of more than 175 members and associates in 130 countries and jurisdictions, representing approximately 2.8 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.

Creating Value with Integrated Thinking

The Role of the Professional Accountant

This thought paper helps facilitate the contribution of professional accountants to integrated thinking—and help align capital allocation, corporate behavior, financial stability, and sustainable development. It sets out a vision for integrated thinking and explores what professional accountants working in the public and private sectors can do in practical terms to facilitate it in their organization, regardless of whether their organization is planning to publish an integrated report. It identifies five key elements, which, if implemented, can lead to more effective organizations.
