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Mr. Paul Druckman Recognized with IFAC Global Leadership Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Accountancy Profession

New York, NY English

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has selected Mr. Paul Druckman of the United Kingdom as the 2021 recipient of the IFAC Global Leadership Award, recognizing his contributions to the advancement of the global accountancy profession and capital markets.

Mr. Druckman is a passionate global leader in capital market reform, bringing about significant advancements in corporate governance and corporate reporting to enhance accountability for responsible business and sustainability. He currently serves as the Chairman of both Clear Insurance and the World Benchmarking Alliance, which is developing transformative benchmarks to enable companies to accelerate their contribution to sustainable development goals.

After qualifying as a chartered accountant in 1979, and becoming a mathematics teacher and then IT entrepreneur, Mr. Druckman served as president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW) in 2004/5. Mr. Druckman subsequently acted as executive chair of the Prince of Wales’s Accounting for Sustainability Project, and in this role he was central to the formation of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) to bring about an enhanced corporate reporting system relevant to the digital, knowledge-driven, and resource-constrained world of the 21st century. He led the IIRC as founding CEO achieving the development of the International Integrated Reporting Framework in 2013.

Mr. Druckman has also been a board member of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) over two separate terms, including the post Enron era and then again until 2019. He also chaired the FRC’s Corporate Reporting Council, which sets UK accounting standards.

“I am delighted that Paul has received the IFAC Global Leadership Award this year,” said President of IFAC Alan Johnson. “While his roots are as a Chartered Accountant, his entrepreneurial spirit and drive have led him to a very successful career within the profession, one which we all benefit from through his insights into important emerging fields, such as technology and sustainability. Given the commitments by world leaders at COP26 that ends this week, Paul’s vision for a sustainable world on which he has been campaigning for many years is hopefully now in sight”.

Established in 2017 by the IFAC Board, the IFAC Global Leadership Award in Honor of Robert Sempier recognizes individuals who make outstanding contributions to the global accountancy profession. The award honors the contributions of Robert Sempier, IFAC’s first executive director who greatly contributed to the development of the profession worldwide.

The Global Leadership Award was presented during IFAC’s Council meeting, held virtually on November 10-11, 2021.

About IFAC

IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC is comprised of 180 members and associates in 135 countries and jurisdictions, representing more than 3 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.

IFAC & IAASB Release Less Complex Entities Consultation Survey

New York, New York English

In late July, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) opened a six-month public consultation on its landmark new proposed standard for audits of financial statements of less complex entities (LCEs).

While the IAASB encourages all interested stakeholders to respond to the consultation in writing, it recognizes that some may not have the time or resources to do so. To help, the International Federation of Accountants and the IAASB developed a survey to offer an alternative way to participate in the consultation and provide your views. The survey is open until January 14, 2022 and is available in English, French and Spanish by clicking the language selector in the survey’s top right corner.

Survey responses will be analyzed by the IAASB alongside all other feedback and help shape the final standard; individual survey responses are confidential.

New Way to Participate in the Consultation Available in English, French, Spanish

IAASB & IFAC Release Less Complex Entities Consultation Survey

New York, New York English

In late July, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) opened a six-month public consultation on its landmark new proposed standard for audits of financial statements of less complex entities (LCEs).

While the IAASB encourages all interested stakeholders to respond to the consultation in writing, it recognizes that some may not have the time or resources to do so. To help, the International Federation of Accountants and the IAASB developed a survey to offer an alternative way to participate in the consultation and provide your views. The survey is open until January 14, 2022 and is available in English, French and Spanish by clicking the language selector in the survey’s top right corner.

Survey responses will be analyzed by the IAASB alongside all other feedback and help shape the final standard; individual survey responses are confidential.

New Way to Participate in the Consultation Available in English, French, Spanish

Mainstreaming Sustainability a Priority for Professional Accountants in Business

New York, New York English

IFAC’s Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) Advisory Group has compiled insights on how accountants are contributing to value creation and sustainability in their organizations in both the private and public sectors in a new report, The Role of Accountants in Mainstreaming Sustainability 

This report includes highlights from the PAIB Advisory Group’s October 2021 meeting, including: 

  • Achieving sustainability and decarbonization under the stewardship of CFOs and accountants 
  • Navigating potentially disruptive transitions by investing in technology, innovation, talent, and partnerships  
  • Optimizing and capturing value for a range of stakeholders 
  • PAIB perspective on digital assets and cryptocurrencies 

Sanjay Rughani, IFAC PAIB Advisory Group Chair says: “The need for CFOs and finance functions to contribute strategically as value partners is increasing to advance sustainability. By sharing our learnings as a profession, we can continue to elevate our focus and actions on higher value activities to support and empower professional accountants to take on more strategic roles.” 

Access the report and related case studies 

About IFAC 

IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC is comprised of 180 members and associates in 135 countries and jurisdictions, representing more than 3 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce. 

About the PAIB Advisory Group 

Formed in 1977, the PAIB Advisory Group is comprised of volunteers with experience and expertise in the world of business and the public sector, nominated by the professional accountancy organizations that make up IFAC’s membership.

New PAIB Advisory Group report explores key global trends impacting the future readiness of the accountancy profession

The Role of Accountants in Mainstreaming Sustainability in Business

Insights from IFAC’s Professional Accountants in Business Advisory Group

Convening virtually over two days, IFAC’s Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) Advisory Group, a dynamic global group of business and finance leaders, shared their insights on how accountants a


New IFAC Board Members and Member Organizations Confirmed

New York, NY English

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the voice of the global accountancy profession, this week announced its new board members, and that it is maintaining a female-majority board for the third consecutive year in a row. Over the course of the past decade, IFAC is proud to have improved the gender balance on its key governing bodies.

The new and reappointed IFAC Board members and their nominating member organizations are:

New appointments:

  • Gregory Anton (Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, USA)
  • Tashia Batstone (Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, Canada)
  • Jeanine Poggiolini (South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, South Africa)


  • Lisa Padmore (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Barbados, Barbados)
  • Margret Pétursdóttir (Nordic Federation of Public Accountants, Iceland)
  • Dr. Jianhua Tang (Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, China)
  • Ayşe Arıak Tunaboylu (Union of Chambers of Certified Public Accountants of Turkey / Expert Accountants' Association of Turkey, Turkey)

New IFAC Member Organizations Admitted

In addition to the election of new Board members, the IFAC Council also approved new members and associate member organizations.

New IFAC Members:

  • Institut Akuntan Publik Indonesia (IAPI) – Indonesia
  • Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants (VACPA) – Vietnam

New Associates:

  • United Arab Emirates Accountants and Auditors Association (UAE AAA) – United Arab Emirates
  • Yemeni Association of Certified Public Accountants (YACPA) – Yemen

The new appointments, reappointments and membership decisions were approved at IFAC’s 2021 Council meeting, held virtually on November 10-11.

Don’t Miss the IAASB’s Next LinkedIn Live Discussion on the Newly Proposed Standard for Less Complex Entities

New York, New York English

Join the IAASB for the final LinkedIn Live session discussing the recently proposed new standard for audits of less complex entities on November 17 at 8 am EST. The session will feature IAASB Member Julie Corden, LCE Reference Group Member Andrew Brathwaite, and IAASB LCE Task Force Member Brendan Murtagh discussing what the proposed new standard could mean for audit firms and practitioners that serve less complex entities, including the benefits of the standard and what firms, engagement partners and teams need to consider when deciding to use it.

The previous sessions in the series are available on LinkedIn and YouTube. The first session addressed the journey to the proposed new standard and its key principles (watch on LinkedIn or YouTube). The second session addressed for which entities the proposed standard can be used, who makes decisions regarding use of the standard, and how those decisions are made (watch on LinkedIn or YouTube).

The IAASB strongly encourages all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback on the proposed new standalone standard for audits of less complex entities by January 31, 2022. The standard is relevant to users of financial statements, owners, management, and those charged with governance of entities, preparers of financial statements, legislative or regulatory authorities, relevant local bodies with standard-setting authority, professional accountancy organizations, academics, regulators and audit oversight bodies, and auditors and audit firms, among others.

Final Discussion, What Could the Proposed LCE Standard Mean to Firms and Practitioners?, Livestreams November 17, 8 am EST

Strategic Plan

2022 and Beyond

We are firmly in an age of disruption. No matter what the “new normal” looks like, it will not look that way for long.

To anticipate events—as a society and as a profession—we need to see them as the effects of simultaneous and dynamic trends. The climate crisis and digitalization are accelerating at the same time; the effects of each trend will influence the other, and in turn, shape and re-shape our lives, livelihoods, and environment. The same could be said of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the next public health emergency—and the one after that.


Global Search Begins for Volunteer Members to Serve on the IPSASB

New York, NY English

Six volunteers are being sought to serve as members on the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB).  The Nominating Committee has issued a call for nominations looking for candidates to serve for an initial term of up to three years, commencing January 1, 2023.

“Volunteers with diverse backgrounds and skills are essential to the development of high-quality international standards, as well as the promotion of IPSAS adoption,” said Ian Carruthers, IPSASB Chair. “I strongly encourage our key stakeholders to consider applying and/or nominating candidates. Participation in the IPSASB’s work is a valuable experience for both the volunteer as well as being beneficial for the nominating and/or employing organization."

Nominations from a wide range of relevant backgrounds are sought, including, but not limited to:

  • Users of general-purpose financial reports, such as parliamentarians, budget offices, and credit-rating agencies;
  • Preparers of accrual-based financial statements, such those reporting directly or indirectly in accordance with IPSAS, or in the process of transitioning to IPSAS or another accrual-based accounting framework;
  • Ministries of Finance and Treasury departments; and,
  • Public sector external auditors.

Candidates will ideally have a public sector background and/or experience in standard setting to be able to contribute value to the work of the Board. English proficiency (both written and oral) is essential, as this is the language in which the IPSASB operates.

Regional balance is important to ensure diverse input from a wide range of jurisdictions to the Board’s discussions. Nominations of qualified candidates from all regions of the world are encouraged and, particularly from the Africa–Middle East and Latin America regions. Nominations from jurisdictions where English is not the native language are particularly encouraged. .

For more details and information on how to submit an application, please see the Call for Nominations

Deadline for submitting applications is January 31, 2022.