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Now Available: 2020 IAASB Handbook

New York, New York English

The IAASB has released the 2020 Handbook of International Quality Control, Auditing, Review, Other Assurance, and Related Services Pronouncements. The latest edition of the handbook includes:

  • ISA 540 (Revised), Auditing Accounting Estimates and Related Disclosures replacing ISA 540, Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value Accounting Estimates, and Related Disclosures. The handbook also includes conforming and consequential amendments from ISA 540 to other standards, with the exception of International Auditing Practice Note 1000, which will be updated for changes to ISA 540 (Revised), and ISA 315 (Revised 2019) in the 2021 IAASB Handbook. ISA 540 (Revised) is effective for audits of financial statements for periods beginning on or after December 15, 2019.
  • Changes for the conforming amendments arising from the restructured International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants, have been made in Volume 1 and 2 of the 2020 IAASB Handbook.
  • The following standards, which are not yet effective, have been included in the back of Volume 1 and 2:
    • ISA 315 (Revised 2019), Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement
    • Conforming and Consequential Amendments to Other ISAs Arising from ISA 315 (Revised 2019)
    • International Standard on Quality Management (ISQM) 1, Quality Management for Firms that Perform Audits or Reviews of Financial Statements, or Other Assurance or Related Services Engagements
    • ISQM 2, Engagement Quality Reviews
    • ISA 220 (Revised), Quality Management for an Audit of Financial Statements
    • Conforming and Consequential Amendments to Other ISAs Arising from the Quality Management Projects
    • ISRS 4400 (Revised), Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements

The handbooks can be downloaded from the IAASB website.

Coming Soon: New Online Platform for Digital Access

The first fully digital IAASB handbook will be available on a new web application, e-International Standards (eIS) soon. The platform is optimized for users through search functions, resources and references, and easy navigation. Follow the IAASB on Twitter and LinkedIn or register and subscribe via the IAASB website for launch details and announcements.

Reproducing and Translating the IAASB Handbook

To help adoption and implementation of the IAASB standards, stakeholders are invited to submit requests for permission to reproduce or translate the IAASB handbook online via the Online Permissions Requests or Inquiries system on the IFAC website.

IFAC Urges Stakeholders to Prepare Now for Global Sustainability Standards

New York, New York English

Today, the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) published a framework for implementing global sustainability standards at the local level, focusing on the building blocks approach published in May 2021. IFAC believes that jurisdictions must begin examining how global standards that the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) intends to develop, starting with climate, can fit together with sustainability-related reporting requirements set at the jurisdictional level.

“As work to establish the ISSB advances, PAOs, firms, and professional accountants in business should be engaging now with their policymakers to consider what mechanisms may need to be established to make forthcoming reporting requirements effective in their jurisdiction,” said IFAC CEO Kevin Dancey. “IFAC’s framework sets out various pathways for local implementation of the IFRS initiative that can all lead to the global and harmonized corporate reporting system we need for investors, capital markets, and stakeholders at large.”

IOSCO’s Sustainability-related Issuer Disclosures report proposes a timeline for the ongoing work of the IFRS Foundation–with the ISSB climate standard expected to be completed by June 2022. Jurisdictions that begin engaging with policymakers now will be able to capitalize on the forthcoming standards–and therefore serve the public interest–as soon as they are finalized.

IFAC urges its member organizations to continue their support for the IFRS initiative, to engage now with local policymakers, and to provide feedback on the framework for making global sustainability standards local.

Read more about IFAC’s support for global sustainability-related standards here.

About IFAC
IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC is comprised of 180 members and associates in 135 countries and jurisdictions, representing more than 3 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.

IFAC Releases Practical Framework for Deploying Global Standards at Local Level

Audits of Less Complex Entities Consultation: Supplemental Guidance on Auditor Reporting & Mapping Documents Published

New York, New York English

The IAASB has published new documents related to its open consultation on the audits of less complex entities:

  • Proposed supplemental guidance on auditor reporting to provide further guidance on modifications and other changes to the auditor’s report when using the proposed standard; and
  • “Mapping” documents to help users navigate between existing, equivalent International Standards on Auditing and the requirements in the newly proposed International Standard on Auditing for Less Complex Entities (ISA for LCE).

The IAASB strongly encourages all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback on the proposed standard by January 31, 2022. The standard is relevant to users of financial statements, owners, management and those charged with governance of entities, preparers of financial statements, legislative or regulatory authorities, relevant local bodies with standard-setting authority, professional accountancy organizations, academics, regulators and audit oversight bodies, and auditors and audit firms, among others.

Stakeholders can submit responses through the “Submit Comment” button online.

G20 Call to Action 2021

Four Priorities, Two Actions, One Goal

IFAC calls on the G20 to focus on two key actions—where the global accountancy profession is a strongly committed partner—that will move the needle on sustainability, inclusivity, and prosperity.


How Global Standards Become Local

Using the Sustainability Building Blocks

IFAC’s new framework for implementing global sustainability standards set by an International Sustainability Standards Board builds on the previously issued Building Blocks Approach. This framework examines how existing mechanisms already in place for adopting IFRS Standards used in financial reporting may be appropriate or adapted for sustainability-related reporting.


IPSASB Opens Call for Papers for 3rd Research Forum


In preparation of its 3rd Research Forum, which will be co-hosted by Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network (CIGAR) at its June 2022 conference, the IPSASB is calling for scholarly contributions from the academic community.

Coordinated through the Academic Advisory Group, which includes independent scholars from all parts of the world, as well as the IPSASB members who have an academic background, IPSASB is offering a grant of USD $1,500 for selected scholarly papers submitted covering three research areas with up to six grants available in total.

The research areas of interest are:

Research Area 1: Research on Practical IPSAS Implementation Challenges 

  • Differential Reporting 
  • Discount Rates

Research Area 2: Research on Adoption and Implementation of Specific IPSAS

  • IPSAS 31, Intangible Assets
  • IPSAS 33, First-Time Adoption of Accrual Basis IPSAS

Research Area 3: Broad Future Focused Research

  • Climate Change and Public Sector Financial Reporting Related to Sustainability 
  • Financial Reporting Impacts of Digitization in the Public Sector

The grant recipients, as well as other scholars, will present the first drafts of their full papers at the 2022 Research Forum (date TBD). For more information, see the the IPSASB’s Call for Papers.

Learn more about the Academic Advisory Group.

About the IPSASB

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board® (IPSASB®) works to improve public sector financial reporting worldwide through the development of IPSAS®, international accrual-based accounting standards, for use by governments and other public sector entities around the world.

Research grants of USD $1,500 available

New IAASB Outreach Plan for Audits of Less Complex Entities Consultation Published


To continue to drive engagement and solicit feedback on its public consultation on a proposed new standard for audits of financial statements of less complex entities (LCE), the IAASB has published a targeted outreach plan. This plan details the IAASB’s focused efforts to facilitate feedback from different stakeholder groups through roundtables, presentations and other related activities. The plan is expected to evolve and will continue to be updated as events and activities are added or confirmed.

The landmark proposed new standard for audits of financial statements of less complex entities responds to demands to have a set of high-quality audit requirements tailored for the needs of less complex entities. The proposed new standard aims to provide a globally consistent approach at a time where several jurisdictional-specific less complex entities standards or related initiatives are arising.

The IAASB strongly encourages all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback on the proposed standard by January 31, 2022. The standard is relevant to users of financial statements, owners, management and those charged with governance of entities, preparers of financial statements, legislative or regulatory authorities, relevant local bodies with standard-setting authority, professional accountancy organizations, academics, regulators and audit oversight bodies, and auditors and audit firms, among others.

Stakeholders can submit responses through the “Submit Comment” button online. The Exposure Draft will also be available in French and Spanish in early September 2021.

About the IAASB
The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board develops auditing and assurance standards and guidance for use by all professional accountants under a shared standard-setting process involving the Public Interest Oversight Board, which oversees the activities of the IAASB, and the IAASB Consultative Advisory Group, which provides public interest input into the development of the standards and guidance. The structures and processes that support the operations of the IAASB are facilitated by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). For copyright, trademark, and permissions information, please go to permissions or contact