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New IAASB Communique Details Plans to Address Complexity, Understandability, Scalability, Proportionality

New York, New York English

Focusing on the effective and consistent application of our standards, the IAASB has published a new communique detailing its next steps to address complexity, understandability, scalability, and proportionality, including in the audits of financial statements of less complex entities.

The communique details the IAASB’s efforts to balance the needs of all its stakeholders by developing a separate standard focused on less complex entities while simultaneously addressing complexity, understandability, scalability and proportionality in the International Standards on Auditing more broadly.

IAASB Communique: Audits of Less Complex Entities

Update on Efforts to Address Issues and Challenges

Focusing on the effective and consistent application of our standards, the IAASB is addressing issues and challenges related to complexity, understandability, scalability and proportionality. While there is a particular focus on audits of less complex entities, the work is also considering the suite of ISAs more broadly. This Communique highlights our efforts and sets out what we are planning.


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