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  • Public Hearing - Tackling the Role of Enablers Involved in Facilitating Tax Evasion and Aggressive Tax Planning in the European Union (SAFE)


    Various media revelations, such as the Paradise Papers and the Pandora Papers, have highlighted the important role tax intermediaries play in facilitating tax structures that contribute to billions of euros of lost tax revenue in the EU every year. To address this issue, the European Commission has announced a proposal with the objective of preventing enablers from setting up complex structures in non-EU countries for tax evasion and aggressive tax planning purposes. This initiative would complement the Unshell Directive, which sets out criteria for identifying entities that lack minimal economic substance within the EU.

    IESBA Chair Gabriela Figueiredo Dias will speak at a public hearing organized by the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC) on July 17, 2023 from 15:00 to 16:30 CEST in Brussels, Belgium.

    The event, “Tackling the role of enablers involved in facilitating tax evasion and aggressive tax planning in the European Union (SAFE),” will be introduced by Paul Tang, FISC Chair. Other speakers include Olivier Boutellis-Taft (CEO, Accountancy Europe) and Ivan Lazarov (Research Associate, International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD)). A question-and-answer session with Members of the FISC Subcommittee will follow. The public hearing will help inform the European Parliament's opinion on the new legislative proposal.

    The hearing will be web-streamed at:

    About the IESBA

    The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants serves the public interest by setting ethics standards, including independence requirements, as a cornerstone to ethical behavior in business and organizations, and to public trust in financial and non-financial information. Along with the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, the IESBA is part of the International Foundation for Ethics and Audit. The Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) oversees IESBA and IAASB activities and the public interest responsiveness of the standards. For copyright, trademark, and permissions information, please visit Permissions.

    IESBA Chair Gabriela Figueiredo Dias to speak at July 17th hearing

  • APESB and IESBA Staff Jointly Issue Guidance Illustrating Application of IESBA Code to Technology-related Services Provided by Auditors

    New York, NY English

    Rapid advances in technology are transforming the way professional accountants conduct their work. To assist them in ethically navigating the challenges and opportunities brought by these advances, the Staff of the Australian Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board (APESB) and the Staff of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) today jointly released Applying the Code's Conceptual Framework to Independence: Practical Guidance for Auditors In Technology-related Scenarios. The publication describes key technology-related provisions of the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) and provides auditors with three practical examples involving technology-related non-assurance services to illustrate how to apply the Code's requirements with respect to independence.

    “This joint APESB-IESBA Staff publication is timely and fulfills a commitment we have made to collaborate with national standard setters and others to provide helpful guidance to assist auditors in implementing and consistently applying the Code’s revised technology-related provisions,” said Gabriela Figueiredo Dias, IESBA Chair. “Over the past three years, the Board has dedicated strategic focus and significant resources to addressing the ethics and independence implications of technological innovation such as AI, blockchain, and data analytics, culminating in strengthened technology-related provisions in the Code and two comprehensive reports under Phases 1 and 2 of its fact-finding work.”

    This non-authoritative publication was developed jointly by the Staff of the APESB and IESBA under the auspices of the IESBA’s Technology Task Force, initiated as part of the IESBA’s Phase 2 Technology Working Group activities.  Learn more about IESBA’s technology work here.

    About the IESBA

    The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants serves the public interest by setting ethics standards, including independence requirements, as a cornerstone to ethical behavior in business and organizations, and to public trust in financial and non-financial information. Along with the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, the IESBA is part of the International Foundation for Ethics and Audit. The Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) oversees IESBA and IAASB activities and the public interest responsiveness of the standards. For copyright, trademark, and permissions information, please visit Permissions.

  • Applying the Code's Conceptual Framework to Independence

    Practical Guidance for Auditors In Technology-related Scenarios

    The publication describes key technology-related provisions of the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) and provides auditors with three practical examples involving technology-related non-assurance services to illustrate how to apply the Code's requirements with respect to independence.

  • IESBA Emphasizes the Critical Importance of Ethical Behavior for All Professional Accountants

    New York, NY English

    Recent events in a number of major jurisdictions involving professional accountants have raised concerns with many stakeholders and the public about whether the accountants’ conduct was straightforward and honest, free from conflicts of interest, in accordance with confidentiality requirements, or in the public interest. A number of these events have resulted in government inquiries, significant regulatory penalties or other adverse consequences for the professional accountants or their firms, and undermined public trust in the accountancy profession.

    Among all professions, the global accountancy profession stands apart in having a comprehensive and robust code of ethics in the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ (IESBA) International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) (the Code) that it must apply. The Code is developed in accordance with a rigorous due process and under the oversight of the Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB). The strength and global acceptance of the Code are evidenced by its adoption or use in over 130 jurisdictions, and adoption by the 34 largest international networks of accounting firms for transnational audits.

    “Ethics is fundamental to public trust in the work of all professional accountants and it must always be at the heart of their judgments, decisions, and actions when performing professional activities or services,” said Gabriela Figueiredo Dias, IESBA Chair. “The high-quality ethics standards in the Code are a cornerstone to ethical behavior in business and organizations, and they underpin the accountancy profession’s longstanding good reputation. It is therefore crucial that all accountants fully understand and comply with all their ethical obligations under the Code.”

    Professional accountants must act in all business and professional dealings or relationships in accordance with the five fundamental principles of the Code:

    • Integrity by being straightforward and honest;
    • Objectivity by not being compromised by bias, conflict of interest, or undue influence of, or undue reliance on, individuals, organizations, technology or other factors;
    • Professional competence and due care by maintaining professional knowledge and skill at the level necessary to competently perform their work, and acting diligently;
    • Confidentiality by respecting the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships; and
    • Professional behavior by complying with relevant laws and regulations, behaving in a manner consistent with the profession’s responsibility to act in the public interest, and avoiding any conduct that might discredit the profession.

    The fundamental principles clearly establish the standard of behavior expected of all professional accountants. The Code also contains detailed provisions specifying the conduct and mindset expected of all professional accountants, including demonstrating an inquiring mind and having the strength of character to act appropriately, even when facing pressure or potential adverse personal or organizational consequences.

    Importantly, the Code sets a clear expectation for professional accountants, especially those in leadership or managerial roles, to promote an ethical culture within their organizations.

    Upholding the fundamental principles and complying with the specific requirements of the Code enable professional accountants to meet their responsibility to act in the public interest. These obligations are in no way lightened or diminished by the types of activities or services they undertake. The Code applies to professional accountants in all their professional activities, whether it is audit, tax, consulting or other advisory services, or in business. Non-compliance with ethical requirements not only creates a risk of adverse consequences for accountants from a professional or regulatory standpoint, but also may result in profound negative consequences for firms, employing organizations, clients, other stakeholders, and the public at large. Ethical failures can also damage the profession’s reputation.

    Ethics is central to the proper functioning of organizations, financial markets, and economies worldwide. The fundamental principles are the foundation to ethical behavior within organizations and underpin the integrity and credibility of financial and non-financial information. An organizational culture that integrates an ethical approach strengthens public trust in professional accountants’ work, safeguards the well-being and sustainability of organizations, and ultimately serves to protect the public interest.

  • PIOB Standard-Setting Boards Nominations Committee Opens Invitations for Application to Join Stakeholder Advisory Council

    New York, NY English

    The Public Interest Oversight Board’s (PIOB) Standard-Setting Nominations Committee has opened the Invitations for Application [] period for the new Stakeholder Advisory Council. This newly established global forum will provide strategic advice to the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and the International Ethics Standards Board (IESBA). The SAC will replace the IAASB Consultative Advisory Group (IAASB CAG) and the IESBA Consultative Advisory Group (IESBA CAG), which complete their remits in late 2023.

    The Invitation for Application outlines the opportunity for experienced individuals from various relevant stakeholder groups and the expectations for SAC members. Through the open and interactive forum, SAC members will have the opportunity to actively participate in providing strategic input and shape the future of global standard setting. The PIOB encourages applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds, including different geographic regions, genders, and professional backgrounds.

    Full details of the Invitation for Applications and the SAC’s role are available on the PIOB website. Applications are welcome until September 30, 2023.

    Application Period Open until September 30, 2023

  • PIOB Standard-Setting Boards Nominations Committee Opens Invitations for Application to Join Stakeholder Advisory Council

    New York, New York English

    The Public Interest Oversight Board’s (PIOB) Standard-Setting Nominations Committee has opened the Invitations for Application period for the new Stakeholder Advisory Council. This prestigious global council, a key element of recent governance reforms, will provide strategic advice to both the IAASB and International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) in developing standards. It replaces the IAASB and IESBA Consultative Advisory Groups.

    The Invitation for Application outlines the opportunity for experienced individuals from various relevant stakeholder perspectives and the expectations for SAC members. Through the open and interactive forum, SAC members will have a chance to actively participate and shape the future of standard setting. The PIOB encourages applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds, including different geographic regions, genders, and professional backgrounds.

    Full details of the Invitation for Applications and the SAC’s role are available on the PIOB website. Applications are welcome until September 30, 2023.

    Application Period for Prestigious New Body Open until September 30, 2023