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  • IAASB’s New Strategy and Work Plan Focuses on Increased Agility, Enhanced Coordination, and a Priority on Responding to Emerging Challenges


    Today, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) published its Strategy for 2020‒2023 (the Strategy) and Work Plan for 2020‒2021 (the Work Plan).

    The strategy, developed through extensive external consultation over two years, looks to build sustained trust in financial and other reporting through high-quality audits, assurance, and related services engagements. The IAASB also recognizes the need to address the impact of technology, demands relating to changing reporting needs (including demands in relation to non-financial reporting), and changing expectations for the audit.

    “The IAASB recognizes the significant challenges facing the audit profession and the standards that govern it. This Strategy and Work Plan provides an important compass for our organization to address these challenges in a highly responsive and innovative manner,” said Tom Seidenstein, Chair of the IAASB. “We will inevitably need to adapt over the strategy’s four-year period, but the emphasis on the public interest, innovation and agility, and collaboration should remain relevant.”

    Consistent with governance requirements, the Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB), the IAASB’s independent oversight body, concluded at its March 2020 meeting that the IAASB developed its Strategy and Work Plan in accordance with due process and with proper regard for the public interest.

    Key IAASB Strategy and Work Plan Elements

    The strategy sets three strategic objectives to focus IAASB priorities and resources during 2020‒2023:

    1. Increase the emphasis on emerging issues to ensure that the IAASB International Standards provide a foundation for high-quality audit, assurance and related services engagements
    2. Innovate the IAASB’s ways of working to strengthen and broaden our agility, capabilities, and capacity to do the right work at the right time
    3. Maintain and deepen relationships with stakeholders to achieve globally relevant, progressive and operable standards

    The Work Plan describes, at the time of the December 2019 approval, how the IAASB intends to increase its focus on emerging issues, while completing the existing work already committed to and underway. In the Work Plan, the IAASB anticipates standard-setting projects on going concern, fraud, and audit evidence, and work to address the needs of auditors of Less Complex Entities, among other topics. To support an evidence-based and structured consideration of new topics, the IAASB Work Plan highlights a new Framework for Activities, comprising several key components, to help the IAASB develop informed and targeted responses to address emerging issues and topics of global relevance.

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Strategy and Work Plan

    While the IAASB approved its strategy before the pandemic, the three strategic objectives remain relevant. The IAASB has used these strategic objectives to help prioritize its crisis response. For example, the IAASB has developed, and is continuing to develop, guidance on audit considerations in response to the pandemic. The IAASB is enhancing its interactions with national audit standard-setters, regulators, and independent audit oversight regimes.

    At the same time, the IAASB recognizes that its Work Plan and timelines may need to adapt as new priorities emerge, the pandemic and associated restrictions impact our ability to work, and stakeholder capacity for change becomes constrained. In the coming weeks and months, the IAASB will consider potential impacts and consult, as appropriate, with the PIOB, the IAASB Consultative Advisory Group, and other stakeholders.

    The outcome of IAASB consultations could lead to the reprioritization of topics and changes in the timing of projects and consultation efforts. The IAASB will post any changes on its Website.


  • COVID-19: IPSASB Guidance, Resources to Maintain Strong PFM


    The COVID-19 pandemic presents unprecedented challenges. Its immediate impact on both individual and societal wellbeing cannot be overstated.

    The IPSASB has published a webpage to address the impacts of COVID-19. On this page, you will find a message from IPSASB Chair, Ian Carruthers, guidance from staff on IPSAS implications related to COVID-19, and other useful materials about maintaining strong public financial management given today's challenging circumstances. 

    Visit our COVID Webpage


  • IPSASB eNews: March 2020


    The IPSASB held its first meeting of 2020 from March 10-13, 2020 at the IFAC offices in New York, USA. 

    Infrastructure Assets
    The IPSASB decided that infrastructure assets are a subset of property, plant and equipment and considered the characteristics which differentiate them. The IPSASB will agree the infrastructure assets characteristics after analyzing the remaining issues. The IPSASB also considered the issues of depreciation, spare parts and dismantling costs. The IPSASB will continue these discussions at its June meeting.

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    The IPSASB considered whether heritage items are resources and controlled for financial reporting purposes. The IPSASB decided that tangible heritage items are assets when they meet the definition of property, plant and equipment and concluded they should be depreciated and tested for impairment, except under certain specific circumstances. 

    Revised guidance related to these issues will be developed for the IPSASB’s consideration at its June meeting.
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    The IPSASB reviewed the responses to the Measurement Consultation Paper. The IPSASB agreed that the existing accounting policy choice in IPSAS 5, Borrowing Costs, which allows borrowing costs that are directly attributed to qualifying assets to be either expensed as incurred or capitalized, should be retained. Additional guidance will be developed for the IPSASB’s consideration at its June meeting. 

    The IPSASB identified several themes in its review of the responses and will further address these during its June and September meetings. 
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    Conceptual Framework - Limited Scope Update
    The IPSASB approved a project brief on the Limited Scope Update of the Conceptual Framework (the Framework) subject to minor drafting and editorial changes. The project addresses specified issues identified from the IPSASB’s experience in using the Framework, as well as considering relevant developments in the finalized Conceptual Framework of the International Accounting Standards Board, which was published in March 2018. It is not an extensive review.
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    Natural Resources
    The IPSASB approved a project brief on Natural Resources subject to minor drafting and editorial changes. The first part of this project will develop a comprehensive consultation paper covering the recognition, measurement, and disclosure of subsoil resources, living resources and water. 
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    The IPSASB decided to continue the project in phases, firstly, by developing an ED based on IFRS 16, followed by a second phase addressing the accounting for concessionary leases, which is a prevalent public sector issue. The IPSASB also agreed that the exposure draft based on IFRS 16 should request constituent input on concessionary leases to help with the second phase of the project. 
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    Accounting for Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations in the Public Sector
    The Board reviewed a proposal for a project to align with IFRS 5, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. The IPSASB agreed that the project should proceed and identified public sector issues for further consideration. The IPSASB also recommended that the project be discussed with the Consultative Advisory Group at its June 2020 meeting. It will then be discussed with the IPSASB at its June 2020 meeting.
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    Meeting Podcast
    A podcast highlighting key points of the March 2020 meeting is now available here.

    Next Meeting
    The next meeting of the IPSASB will be in Toronto, Canada from June 23-26, 2020 with the Consultative Advisory Group Meeting on June 22, 2020. For more information, or to register as an observer, visit the IPSASB website.

  • IESBA Technology Working Group's Phase 1 Report

    The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) Technology Group Phase One Report explores the ethical implications of technology on the accounting, assurance, and finance functions.

    The Report is the culmination of work the global ethics standards setting board initiated in recognition of the pace and magnitude of change caused by disruptive technological innovations.

  • IPSASB Chair Publishes Response to Survey on Oversight Arrangements


    IPSASB Chair, Ian Carruthers, has published his reponse to the survey on IPSASB Oversight Arrangements

    The Survey was launched by the Public Interest Committee, the body that oversees the standard setting activities of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB). Established in 2015, the Public Interest Committee reviews the standard-setting activities of the IPSASB to ensure appropriate due process and that the Board’s activities reflect the public interest. Since its formation, the Committee has actively provided advice and recommendations concerning the development of the IPSASB strategy and work program, the appointment process for members of the IPSASB, and IPSASB standard-setting due process. 

    Read more about the survey on the PIC website.