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International Banker | March 15, 2021

Sustainable Value Creation and the Professional Accountant

The immediate crisis of the pandemic—two million deaths and counting—has raised awareness of the long-term crisis in sustainable value creation (SVC). It may be that unthinkable losses of lives, jobs and wealth have made predictions of future crises feel less abstract. The dire consensus among...

Accounting Today | May 14, 2020
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Voices In Crisis, Small Businesses Need Small Accounting Firms

[SMEs] need the support of accountants whom they know and trust. Small and midsized accounting practices should be their preferred partners. Why? Because the unfortunate reality is that many SMPs know firsthand what SMEs are going through. 

Road to digital: How to support SMEs

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Submitted by Admin FFW on

Hosted by Accountancy Europe

The need for SMEs to digitalise is more pressing than ever, especially since the Covid-19 crisis began. While some SMEs are advancing with digitalisation, many are struggling and lagging behind.

Join us at this webinar to learn:

  • What are the main obstacles to digitalisation?
  • How can accountants support SME digitalisation efforts?
  • What can policy-makers do to help?

Because #SMEsCountOnUs!

Confirmed Speakers:

Mental Wellness – An Informative Discussion with Practical Insights as the Pandemic Continues

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Submitted by Admin FFW on

Mental wellness can be an uncomfortable or unfamiliar subject to discuss—and it is often stigmatized. Yet it is an issue for all of us—even if we aren’t consciously aware of any difficulties. The pandemic has been a wake-up call for greater awareness and understanding as so many have endured extraordinary circumstances for such an extended period, and continue to do so.