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Putting the Public Interest at the Heart of Our Work: Acting with Urgency, Purpose and Responsiveness

IAASB Public Report, July 2019-December 2020

The IAASB Public Report details progress to support the public interest between July 2019 and December 2020. During this 18-month period, the IAASB completed five major standards aimed at enhancing audit and assurance quality, adopted a four-year strategy focused on the public interest, and established a new work plan focused on emerging issues. During this period, the IAASB responded to a new environment sparked by the global pandemic by issuing guidance and engaging with a broad range of stakeholders in order to sustain trust in audit and assurance.


Exposure Draft (ED) 79, Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board® (IPSASB®) has issued Exposure Draft (ED) 79, Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations.

ED 79 is aligned with IFRS 5, Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations and proposes new guidance on how to account for non-current assets that are classified as held for sale, when they meet specific criteria.

This ED is part of a suite of four EDs that address how to measure assets and liabilities in the public sector, and should be read in conjunction with:


Exposure Draft (ED) 78, Property, Plant, and Equipment

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board® (IPSASB®) has issued Exposure Draft (ED) 78, Property, Plant, and Equipment.

ED 78 updates IPSAS 17, Property, Plant, and Equipment by adding general measurement guidance and measurement options when accounting for assets within its scope, identifying the characteristics of heritage and infrastructure assets, and proposing new guidance on how these important types of public sector assets should be recognized and measured.


Exposure Draft (ED) 77, Measurement

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board® (IPSASB®) has issued Exposure Draft (ED) 77, Measurement.

ED 77 proposes new guidance in a single standard which addresses how commonly used measurement bases are applied in practice. The ED brings in generic guidance on fair value for the first time, and it proposes a public sector specific current value measurement basis to respond to stakeholder views that a new measurement basis is required as an alternative to fair value for assets held for their operational capacity.


Exposure Draft (ED) 76, Conceptual Framework Update: Chapter 7, Measurement of Assets and Liabilities in Financial Statements

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board® (IPSASB®) has issued Exposure Draft (ED) 76, Conceptual Framework Update: Chapter 7, Measurement of Assets and Liabilities in Financial Statements.

ED 76 proposes a measurement hierarchy to steer the IPSASB in developing standard-level measurement guidance and to help stakeholders apply the principles in practice.
