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Intellectual Property, Translations & Permissions eNews: November 2015

French Translation Cooperation Framework

An important milestone was achieved recently when the International Federation of Accountants® and Fédération Internationale des Experts Comptables et Commissaires aux Comptes Francophones (FIDEF) signed a formal cooperation framework for French-language translations of IFAC publications during the IFAC annual Council Meeting in Singapore.


Russian 2014 IAASB Handbook Vol. 1 Available

Volume 1 of the 2014 edition of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board® handbook includes International Standard on Quality Control 1 and the International Standards on Auditing™. This Russian translation was performed by the National Organization for Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards Foundation (NOFA Foundation). See the Translations Database for additional Russian translations.


Spanish 2014 IESBA Handbook Published

The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’® Handbook of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, 2014 Edition, has been translated into Spanish. This edition incorporates several revised pronouncements that were published previously and are now effective—addressing a breach of a requirement of the IESBA Code, conflicts of interest, and the definition of “those charged with governance.” It also contains the revised definition of “engagement team.”


New Spanish Translations from IberAm

New Spanish language documents created via the IberAm™ Project include:Staff Q&As on Professional Skepticism and International Standards on Auditing™ PowerPoint module presentations for the IAASB, as well as the series of articles, Pricing on Purpose: How to Implement Value Pricing in Your Firm, Parts I-III. Available via theTranslations Database.

Translations on Global Knowledge Gateway

The Global Knowledge Gateway welcomes translated content. Viewpoints in Russian andSpanish are available on the site and commentary in more languages, such as Arabic, Chinese, French, and Polish, will be added soon. Thanks to the relevant translating organizations for their efforts.

Watch for New Translations in 2016

More translated publications in various languages are expected in 2016. These include updated versions of the handbooks from the IAASB®, IAESB™, IESBA®, and the IPSASB®, as well as the Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized EntitiesGuide to Practice Management for Small- and Medium-Sized Practices,Guide to Review Engagements, and Guide to Compilation Engagements.

Overview of Authorized Third-Party Licensees

A number of third party organizations have license agreements in place with IFAC for authorized use of specific IFAC-copyrighted content in certain of their commercial products.


2015 IAESB Handbook Available for Translation

The recently published 2015 edition of the Handbook of International Education Pronouncements is available for translation. It contains the suite of newly revised and redrafted International Education Standard™ and the revised Framework for International Education Standards for Professional Accountants and Aspiring Professional Accountants developed by the International Accounting Education Standards Board™.


Reminder to Submit Permission Requests

This is a reminder about IFAC’s policies that require all interested parties to request permission to reproduce or translate our publications. In order for us to most effectively assist you, please request permission via our Online Permission Request and Inquiry (OPRI) system.


Translations Database Revamp

Our newly interactive translations database includes 50 languages and is more user-friendly and searchable. Check it out!


Get Your IFAC News in Spanish

To receive IFAC news in Spanish, login to, click “Manage Subscription Preferences.” Under the IFAC and Standard-Setting Boards tabs, select “Español,” “Comunicados de Prensa y Noticias Electrónicas.”


Join the LinkedIn Translator Forum

Connect with other translating bodies and related stakeholders around the world! We encourage you to join the Forum, post your questions, share your experience or offer your suggestions so that not only you but also your fellow translators may benefit.


Recent Translations

IFAC appreciates the efforts of its designated translating bodies which have recently finalized the following translations:

An Interview with Dr. Stavros Thomadakis, Chairman, International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants

Alexandra Waibel
Manager, Communications, Marketing, and Brand
IS Chartered Accountant English

In this interview, Dr. Stavros Thomadakis, Chair of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants, discusses his vision for the board, public reaction to its proposals regarding how accountants should respond when they encounter acts of non-compliance with laws and regulations, and the role of accountants in deterring corrupt behavior. 

This article was first published in IS Chartered Accountant, November 2015. Reproduced with permission from the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.

Dr. Stavros Thomadakis, Chair of the IESBA