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  • Building For Sustainable Growth—(re)Defining the Accountancy Profession in the Age of Twitter

    Szymon Radziszewicz
    Senior Technical Manager
    Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants

    Szymon Radziszewicz, IFAC Senior Technical Manager, recently held a seminar with the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) on how the approach to building and strengthening professional accountancy organizations is changing as the global landscape changes. The presentation featured the relevant economic and global changes since the global financial crisis began and how regulation of the accountancy profession has shifted. IFAC’s strategic global position and policies are also detailed.

    Attendees at the seminar included top officials of the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission and the Board of Accountancy and representatives of the top firms, the small- and medium-sized practices community, and the Philippine government.

  • SMP eNews: Sustainability Challenges and Opportunities

    New York, New York English

    Welcome to IFAC's Small and Medium Practices (SMP) Committee eNews.

    In This Issue:


    1. Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for SMPs and SMEs
    2. Updated Good Practice Checklist Features Environmental Management


    3. Closing Soon: IAASB Consults on Audit Quality Framework
    4. SMP Committee Contributes to Standard Setters’ Key Projects and Strategic Planning
    5. IFRS for SMEs Update


    6. Registration Closing Soon: 2013 IFAC SMP Forum
    7. World Congress of Accountants 2014 to be Held in Rome; Sponsorship Opportunities Available



    1. Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for SMPs and SMEs

    Small- and medium-sized entities (SMEs) might think that sustainability is only relevant to large companies. Maybe they think they cannot afford to be sustainable, that measuring and managing environmental performance amounts to a costly and unnecessary burden. Moreover their accountants, both those employed by the business (accountants in business) and those providing services to the business (accountants in practice), will tell you it is a hard sell getting SMEs to embrace sustainability. However, SMEs that integrate sustainability into their core business strategy can benefit from lower costs, reduced risk, and new opportunities. And their accountants, typically operating in SMPs, can play a key role in their journey.

    SMEs and the Benefits of Sustainability

    SMEs are crucially important to the health and stability of the global economy: they account for over 95% of all businesses and for the majority of private sector gross domestic product (GDP), wealth and employment creation, and social and environmental impacts. Meanwhile, there is immense pressure on the natural environment and a recognition that finite resources are fast depleting. Today, SMEs are increasingly being faced with pressure to measure and manage their impact on the environment. They are an integral part of the supply chain where there is a growing demand for sustainability management both from customers and suppliers, especially for those SMEs seeking to secure contracts with governments or larger companies. SMEs also need to ensure they have access to the resources they need to be able to continue offer their products and services in the future.

    That said, many SMEs may still feel they can delay addressing sustainability issues. Our global SMP poll indicates there are other more urgent issues preoccupying businesses, including economic concerns and keeping up with new standards, prompting sustainability to slide down their list of priorities. This may explain why few SMPs are presently offering sustainability services. But in the longer term, the sustainability issue is here to stay.

    The good news is that there is growing evidence that sustainability initiatives, such as those to reduce an SME’s carbon footprint, can also help improve their bottom line.


    2. Updated Good Practice Checklist Features Environmental Management

    The second edition of the Good Practice Checklist for Small Business is now available. This multi-part checklist features a new standalone section on environmental management. Other sections cover financial and strategic management tasks and regulatory requirements, among others. The checklist is meant primarily for SMPs as a marketing or diagnostic tool to help them determine the advice a small business client may need, and also to help them in managing their own businesses. Six translations of the checklist have either been completed or are in progress.



    3. Closing Soon: IAASB Audit Quality Framework Consultation

    The comment period for the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)’s Consultation Paper, A Framework for Audit Quality, will close on May 15, 2013. Through the proposed framework, the IAASB aims to raise awareness of the key elements of audit quality, encourage stakeholders to explore ways to improve audit quality, and facilitate greater dialogue on the topic. The SMP Committee plans to submit a comment letter and encourages individual SMPs to comment as well. 


    4. SMP Committee Contributes to Standard Setters’ Key Projects and Strategic Planning


    The SMP Committee provided comments to the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) on its auditor reporting project prior to their February meeting. See the IAASB February Meeting Page for the agenda papers, highlights, and podcast. In advance of the IAASB April Meeting, the committee will provide further comments on this project as well as the IAASB’s work addressing disclosures, International Standard on Auditing (ISA) implementation monitoring, and International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000.

    The IAASB is seeking comments, insights, and views from all stakeholders to help shape its future direction for 2015 and beyond via the Strategic Review Survey. Responses to the survey will inform the development of a formal Consultation Paper to be issued in late 3013. The SMP Committee plans to submit a response and encourages individual SMPs to comment as well.


    In early March, the committee responded to the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA)’s online survey, which was conducted as part of the IESBA’s strategic review to develop its strategy and work plan for the period 2014-2016. The survey has now closed and the IESBA will consider the survey responses in upcoming meetings.


    5. IFRS for SMEs Update

    In 2012, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued a Request for Information (RFI) to begin its comprehensive review of the International Financial Reporting Standard for Small- and Medium-Sized Entities (IFRS for SMEs). The objective of the RFI was to publicly consult on whether amendments are required to the standard. Last month, the IASB began to discuss issues relating to the scope of the standard, including whether or not the standard should be used by publicly accountable entities. See the IASB’s March Meeting Page to access the agenda papers and audio recording. See a summary of decisions in the March IASB Update.



    6. Registration Closing Soon: 2013 IFAC SMP Forum

    The 2013 IFAC SMP Forum will be held in Kampala, Uganda, on June 5, 2013, and jointly hosted with the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU) and the Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA). Each IFAC member organization may send up to ten delegates, who should be those responsible for SMP/small- and medium-sized entity (SME) affairs at their organization. Registration forms have been sent to IFAC member organizations. If you are an individual member of an IFAC member organization and wish to attend, please register your interest with your organization as soon as possible, as the deadline for registration is April 30, 2013. More information will be posted as it becomes available.


    7. World Congress of Accountants 2014 to be Held in Rome; Sponsorship Opportunities Available

    The next World Congress of Accountants (WCOA) will be hosted by the Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (CNDCEC) in Rome, Italy, in 2014. Themed 2020 Vision: Learning from the Past, Building the Future, the 2014 WCOA will be held November 10-13 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica. More than 4,000 professionals from all over the world will convene at this can’t-miss IFAC event, held every four years. WCOA 2014 will look back to explore the evolution of the accountancy profession and forward to showcase the innovations that will set the tone for the future.

    The WCOA also affords an unparalleled opportunity for organizations and firms to share their projects and visions with the world by taking advantage of one of our carefully crafted sponsorship packages. There are numerous options so you’ll be able to select the one that best suits your organization’s unique strategy and goals.

  • Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for SMPs and SMEs

    Article for Member Bodies English

    Small- and medium-sized entities (SMEs) might think that sustainability is only relevant to large companies. Maybe they think they cannot afford to be sustainable, that measuring and managing environmental performance amounts to a costly and unnecessary burden. Moreover their accountants, both those employed by the business (accountants in business) and those providing services to the business (accountants in practice), will tell you it is a hard sell getting SMEs to embrace sustainability. However, SMEs that integrate sustainability into their core business strategy can benefit from lower costs, reduced risk, and new opportunities. And their accountants, typically operating in small- and medium-sized practices (SMPs), can play a key role in their journey.

    SMEs and the Benefits of Sustainability

    SMEs are crucially important to the health and stability of the global economy: they account for over 95% of all businesses and for the majority of private sector gross domestic product (GDP), wealth and employment creation, and social and environmental impacts. Meanwhile, there is immense pressure on the natural environment and a recognition that finite resources are fast depleting. Today, SMEs are increasingly being faced with pressure to measure and manage their impact on the environment. They are an integral part of the supply chain where there is a growing demand for sustainability management both from customers and suppliers, especially for those SMEs seeking to secure contracts with governments or larger companies. SMEs also need to ensure they have access to the resources they need to be able to continue offer their products and services in the future.

    That said, many SMEs may still feel they can delay addressing sustainability issues. Our global SMP poll indicates there are other more urgent issues preoccupying businesses, including economic concerns and keeping up with new standards, prompting sustainability to slide down their list of priorities. This may explain why few SMPs are presently offering sustainability services. But in the longer term, the sustainability issue is here to stay.

    The good news is that there is growing evidence that sustainability initiatives, such as those to reduce an SME’s carbon footprint, can also help improve their bottom line. SMEs of all shapes and sizes—for profits and not-for-profits, public or private, across all industrial sectors—stand to yield significant benefits from adopting sustainable business practices. The initial cost of integrating sustainability into the core business strategy, and reporting on it, can be more than offset by cost savings, reduced risk, positive brand association, and the ability to meet consumer, investor, and supplier demand for environmentally conscientious products and services. In this way, the initial cost is more an investment.

    Opportunities for SMPs

    Accountants working in SMEs can help their employers at each step of the way, from advising on the costs/benefits of behavioral changes aimed at reducing waste, to investment in new equipment and alternate sources of energy, to developing a comprehensive environmental management system (EMS). However, many SMEs lack the capability to this without outside help. They will likely seek the help of someone they trust, their accounting firm, a demand that can generate new revenue opportunities for SMPs. But first SMEs need to know that they can expect assistance of this nature from their accountants.

    Given that SMEs are keen to realize the financial benefits of adopting more sustainable practices, a starting point for SMPs might be to offer to help their clients implement the plan-do-check-act method for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products. This advisory service could include improving business opportunities and creating efficiencies, identifying the risks to cash flow that social, economic, and environmental change will present, and ensuring that clients or employers take advantage of the cost reductions, minimize any cost increases, and maximize the potential revenue by adopting business strategies that identify and address those sustainability issues that are most relevant to their particular business circumstances. In addition, SMPs might wish to encourage their SME clients or employers to have an EnviroReady Report, an engagement based on ISRS 4400 that confirms that the business has an environmental management system (EMS) in place that meets the requirements in ISO 14001:2004.

    Some accountants might also help SMEs do some form of sustainability reporting, such as the Global Reporting Initiative’s Level C. They could employ a step-by-step approach of making a public commitment to take action, assessing the business’s impact, setting targets for reducing impact, acting to reduce impact, and publishing the business’s policies and actions. Some SMPs are already helping their clients to develop metrics and the systems needed to capture and report on the metrics. If reporting is deemed valuable, SMPs could progressively do more, culminating in getting some form of assurance on what the client/employer reports, perhaps using the IAASB’s ISAE 3000 series of engagement standards, such as ISAE 3410 for greenhouse gas emissions.

    Initial Steps in Offering a Sustainability Service

    An ACCA report suggests that SMPs take the following steps to ensure they have the prerequisite expertise to offer a sustainability service:

    1. Build partnerships—SMPs should establish collaboration with local environmental sustainability experts in order to gain local access to credible knowledge.

    2. Gain experience—This begins in the SMP’s own business. Practitioners should review the environmental sustainability of their own business and then use that valuable experience to have rounded, relevant conversations, based on genuine experience, with their clients.

    3. Seek information—Practitioners should familiarize themselves with information sources that they could recommend to others or use to broaden their own knowledge.

    4. Formalize commitment—Where appropriate, practitioners should formalize their commitment to offering environmental sustainability advice through marketing and awareness raising in newsletters, their documentation, and website.

    Ultimately, offering a sustainability service can help SMPs both add value to the services they offer and help their clients/employers improve the way they run their businesses. Applying the same principles to the practice itself can help accountants improve the way they run their own businesses as well. Does your practice offer a sustainability service? If so, we’d love to hear about it. Please describe your experience and any advice you would give.

  • IESBA eNews: April 2013

    New York, New York English

    Thank you for signing up to receive eNews from the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA). This edition of IESBA eNews provides a summary of decisions made at the IESBA’s meeting held March 11-13, 2013, in New York, USA. See the Meeting Page for the meeting highlights, including a podcast summary, and agenda papers.


    1. Responding to a Suspected Illegal Act
    2. Long Association of Senior Personnel (Including Partner Rotation) with an Audit Client
    3. Review of Part C of the Code
    4. Structure of the Code
    5. Definition of Those Charged with Governance
    6. Emerging Issues and Outreach
    7. Non-Assurance Services
    8. Next Meetings
    9. EC Statutory Audit Directive vs. IESBA Code: FEE Compares Independence Requirements
    10. IESBA is Hiring
    11. 2013 IESBA Handbook
    12. World Congress of Accountants 2014 to be Held in Rome; Sponsorship Opportunities Available


    1. Responding to a Suspected Illegal Act

    The IESBA considered the significant comments received from over 70 respondents on its Exposure Draft (ED), Responding to a Suspected Illegal Act. Topics discussed included: disclosure of a suspected illegal act to an appropriate authority; disclosure to the external auditor; right with an expectation to disclose to an appropriate authority; the “public interest” reporting test and escalation threshold; the requirement to confirm or dispel the suspicion; types of suspected illegal acts to be disclosed; and the interaction of the proposed standard with the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs).

    The IESBA will continue its consideration of key issues and future actions at its June 2013 meeting.


    2. Long Association of Senior Personnel (Including Partner Rotation) with an Audit Client

    The IESBA received an update on the project to review the long association provisions in Section 290 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (the Code) to ensure that they continue to provide robust and appropriate safeguards against the familiarity and self-interest threats arising from long association with an audit client. Among other matters, the IESBA discussed the approach to research into the partner rotation provisions in major jurisdictions and canvassing the views of stakeholders on the threats associated with long association.


    3. Review of Part C of the Code
    The IESBA approved a proposal to commence a project to review Part C of the Code addressing professional accountants in business (PAIBs) to ensure that the provisions in that part of the Code are robust and remain appropriate. Phase I of the project will review Sections 300, 320, 330, and 340 of the Code. This phase will, in particular, address pressure by superiors and others to engage in unethical or illegal acts, the responsibility of PAIBs to produce financial reports that are faithful representations of the economics of transactions, and associated matters. Phase II of the project will address Section 350, which is related to facilitation payments and bribes. The IESBA will discuss the project further at its June 2013 meeting.


    4. Structure of the Code

    The IESBA considered draft terms of reference for, and an initial status report from, the working group formed to advise the Board on ways to improve the readability, understandability, and accessibility of the Code. Among other matters, the IESBA discussed the objectives, scope, and timing of the initiative, as well as the approach to the work. The board agreed that careful thought should be given to distinguishing clearly between options that could be considered on a short term basis and longer term options that could address a more fundamental review of the structure of the Code. The board asked the working group to explore these options and to undertake the research to support the way forward.


    5. Definition of Those Charged with Governance

    The IESBA considered significant comments received on its ED of a proposed change to the definition of the term “those charged with governance.” The IESBA agreed in principle to amend the proposed definition in the light of respondents’ significant comments. The IESBA will consider the final definition for approval at its June 2013 meeting after consulting with its Consultative Advisory Group (CAG) on the meaningful ED comments in April 2013.


    6. Emerging Issues and Outreach

    The IESBA agreed to the establishment of an Emerging Issues and Outreach Working Group to advise the board on emerging issues and international developments of relevance to the IESBA’s work, and on the board’s strategy for outreach. The IESBA will consider draft terms of reference for the Working Group at its June 2013 meeting.


    7. Non-Assurance Services

    The IESBA received a brief update on the Task Force’s approach to information gathering for purposes of scoping out the project. The IESBA will consider the information gathered and the Task Force’s proposals regarding the scope of the project at the June 2013 IESBA meeting.


    8. Next Meetings

    Meetings of the IESBA and the IESBA CAG are open to the public. The IESBA CAG will next meet in New York, USA on April 10, 2013. The next IESBA meeting will be held in New York, USA, on June 10–12, 2013.

    For more information and to register to attend an IESBA or IESBA CAG meeting as an observer, visit IESBA Meetings  or IESBA CAG Meetings respectively.


    9. EC Statutory Audit Directive vs. IESBA Code: FEE Compares Independence Requirements

    In a study released in February 2013, the Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens (FEE) compared provisions in the EU frameworks on auditor independence (the 2006 Statutory Audit Directive and the 2002 Recommendation on Statutory Auditor’s Independence in the EU) and the Independence provisions of the IESBA Code.

    Among other matters, the study found that the Code is more robust with respect to audits of public interest entities.  In particular, the Code includes strict provisions for those non-audit services that are incompatible with the provision of audit services. The study also found that the Code tackles other matters that may be considered for inclusion in future EU audit legislation.


    10. IESBA is Hiring

    The IESBA is searching for a technical manager to join its staff team based in New York. Qualified candidates should have experience at the manager or senior manager level in professional practice, a professional accounting body, the office of a public sector auditor, or similarFor a complete job description and required skills and experience, see Working at IFAC. Qualified candidates should send a resume to


    11. 2013 IESBA Handbook

    The IESBA is developing the 2013 Handbook of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. It will contain the final pronouncements addressing breaches of provisions in the Code and conflicts of interest, and the revised definition of “engagement team.” The 2013 Handbook is expected to be released in the second quarter of 2013. For the current edition, see 2012 IESBA Handbook.   


    12. World Congress of Accountants 2014 to be Held in Rome; Sponsorship Opportunities Available

    The next World Congress of Accountants (WCOA) will be hosted by the Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (CNDCEC) in Rome, Italy in 2014. Themed 2020 Vision: Learning from the Past, Building the Future, the 2014 WCOA will be held November 10-13 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica. More than 4,000 professionals from all over the world will convene at this IFAC event, which is held every four years. WCOA 2014 will look back to explore the evolution of the accountancy profession and forward to showcase the innovations that will shape the future of the profession.


    The WCOA also provides a global platform for organizations and firms to share their projects and visions via various sponsorship opportunities. For more information, please contact or

  • IAASB eNews: March 2013

    New York, New York English

    Welcome to IFAC’s International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) eNews.

    In This Issue:

    1. IAASB Addresses Use of Direct Assistance: Releases ISA 610 (Revised 2013), Using the Work of Internal Auditors
    2. Open for Comment: A Framework for Audit Quality
    3. IAASB Invites Input on Strategic Review
    4. Highlights—February 2013 IAASB Meeting
    5. IAASB Presents at NYSSA Event
    6. The IAASB is Hiring
    7. Other Relevant Standard-Setting Board and IFAC Initiatives
    8. Share IAASB eNews with Your Colleagues
    9. World Congress of Accountants 2014 to be Held in Rome; Sponsorship Opportunities Available


    1.     IAASB Addresses Use of Direct Assistance; Releases ISA 610 (Revised 2013), Using the Work of Internal Auditors

    In follow-up to its 2012 release of stronger standards dealing with the external auditor’s use of an internal audit function’s work, the IAASB has released International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 610 (Revised 2013), Using the Work of Internal Auditors. The revised ISA now includes requirements and guidance for external auditors when determining whether they can use direct assistance from internal auditors and, if so, in which areas, and to what extent. The material addressing direct assistance does not apply if the external auditor is prohibited by law or regulation from obtaining direct assistance. This new material is effective for audits of financial statements for periods ending on or after December 15, 2014.


    2.     Open for Comment: A Framework for Audit Quality

    The IAASB released for public comment a consultation paper addressing audit quality. A Framework for Audit Quality seeks input from stakeholders internationally who have an interest in continually enhancing audit quality, including regulators, audit committees, investors, and audit firms. Through the proposed framework, the IAASB aims to raise awareness of the key elements of audit quality, encourage stakeholders to explore ways to improve audit quality, and facilitate greater dialogue between key stakeholders on the topic. The IAASB is seeking responses to several questions listed in the consultation paper, in particular, whether the framework is clear, comprehensive, and useful.

    Comments are requested by May 15, 2013.


    3.     IAASB Invites Input on Strategic Review

    The IAASB has released an online survey seeking public comment, insights, and views from all stakeholders to help shape its future direction for 2015 and beyond. The survey asks for input on emerging developments and trends that are likely to be important in the public interest, as well as specific areas of focus for development of standards and related guidance. It also asks for input on the appropriate balance between setting new and revised standards and facilitating their adoption and effective implementation. Views are also sought on the appropriateness of the IAASB extending its future strategy period to five years (2015–2019). Responses to the survey will inform the development of a formal consultation paper on the strategy and work program commencing 2015, to be issued in late 2013.

    All stakeholders are encouraged to complete the survey. Comments are requested by May 7, 2013.


    4.     Highlights—February 2013 IAASB Meeting

    Auditor Reporting

    The IAASB deliberated issues arising from stakeholder responses to its June 2012 Invitation to Comment (ITC), Improving the Auditor’s Report. Key discussion points included the need for a new ISA, tentatively ISA 701. ISA 701 will include requirements and guidance to assist auditors in determining what additional information should be included in a new section of the auditor’s report under the heading Key Audit Matters. The IAASB’s view is that the auditor’s judgment of what to report externally is derived from what had been communicated to those charged with governance. The IAASB further considered how proposed ISA 701 should best reflect this view and discussed the factors to guide the auditor’s decision-making process in relation to external reporting.

    ISA Implementation Monitoring

    The IAASB received an overview of the preliminary findings from Phase 2 of its ISA Implementation Monitoring project. A draft report of findings will be presented to the IAASB at its April 2013 meeting.

    Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information

    The IAASB received a presentation providing further background on the nature and scope of direct engagements, and discussed how the features of direct engagements relate to concepts in proposed International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 (Revised), Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information.

    For more detailed information, please visit the IAASB’s meetings page. The next IAASB meeting will be held in New York, New York, on April 15–19, 2013.


    5.     IAASB Presents at NYSSA Event

    Dan Montgomery, IAASB deputy chair, joined a January 2013 New York Society of Security Analysts (NYSSA) panel discussion, where he presented The Auditor’s Role Relating to Information Communicated to Financial Statement Users. Mr. Montgomery discussed the IAASB’s proposed changes to the auditor’s report, disclosures within and outside financial statements, and relevant information for users of financial statements.


    6.     The IAASB is Hiring

    The IAASB has open positions within its technical staff team. Interested individuals are invited to submit their resumes to: Further information about the positions is available on the IAASB home page.


    7.     Other Relevant Standard Setting Board and IFAC Initiatives

    Initiatives of IFAC committees and other independent standard-setting boards supported by IFAC may be of interest to those who follow the work of the IAASB, including the following:


     8.     Share IAASB eNews with Your Colleagues

    The IAASB issues regular eNews updates to keep you apprised of the board's activities and recent publications. Please forward this eNews to any interested colleagues and let them know they can register and subscribe to this and other eNews bulletins on the IFAC website.


    9. World Congress of Accountants 2014 to be Held in Rome; Sponsorship Opportunities Available

    The next World Congress of Accountants (WCOA) will be hosted by the Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (CNDCEC) in Rome, Italy in 2014. Themed 2020 Vision: Learning from the Past, Building the Future, the 2014 WCOA will be held November 10-13 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica. More than 4,000 professionals from all over the world will convene at this IFAC event, which is held every four years. WCOA 2014 will look back to explore the evolution of the accountancy profession and forward to showcase the innovations that will shape the future of the profession.

    The WCOA also provides a global platform for organizations and firms to share their projects and visions via various sponsorship opportunities. For more information, please contact or

  • Companies Lagging on Business Model Reporting; Background Paper Released to Tackle the Issue

    London, UK and New York, New York English

    Investors and other stakeholders want to know what makes companies tick; at the same time, regulators are increasingly requiring companies to report clearly on their business models. In response, the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), and PwC, at the request of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), today released a background paper, Business Model, which highlights the business model as being at the heart of integrated reporting.

    Currently, there is wide variation in how organizations define their business models and approach to disclosure. This highlights the need for a clear, universally applicable, international definition of a business model. The proposed definition and discussion in the paper aim to bridge the varied interpretations by highlighting common areas and ensuring a consistent application across industries and sectors.

    The background paper found that, in a complex financial climate that has seen investors demand greater transparency, reporting on business models is currently inconsistent, incomparable, and incomplete because of a lack of consistent guidance.

    Charles Tilley, chief executive of CIMA said:

    “Corporate reporting plays an essential role in the effective functioning of the market economy. Corporate reports have become more complex yet provide less insight to investors on how value is created or destroyed. Integrated reporting will involve a change in mind-set for many organizations as they think about how to better communicate strategy, performance, and prospects. High-quality business model reporting is critical to helping investors better understand performance in terms of the impact external factors have on an organization, and how organizations create value that is sustainable over time.”

    Mark O’Sullivan, director, PwC, commented:

    “A previous review of narrative reporting practices which are summarized in this background paper shows that very few companies clearly articulate their business model—what they do, what they rely on, and what sets them apart from the competitors. PwC research found that 77% of the FTSE 350 mention business models in their accounts, but only 40% provide insightful detail about those models. And only 8% integrate business model reporting with strategy and business risks.

    “This information is critical if investors are going to form a view of how they create and sustain value. The pace of technological change and growing complexity of business relationships will only increase the demand for insights into strategy and business models. It will also challenge the relevance, reliability, and timeliness of the information businesses use to back up reporting of their performance and prospects.”

    Ian Ball, IFAC principal advisor and chair of the IIRC Working Group, commented:

    “An understanding of the business model is at the center of integrated reporting. Being able to communicate effectively on an organization’s capitals, business activities, products and services, and the outcomes they generate is essential if a company is to communicate how it creates value over time. The concept of the business model is also critical to understanding other areas of integrated reporting, such as the concepts of materiality and capitals.”

    The paper comes in advance of the IIRC’s International Integrated Reporting Framework due to be released for comment on April 16, 2013.

    In addition to providing the background and the context to how business model reporting should be undertaken in an integrated report, the background paper suggests content for business model reporting to be presented in the proposed framework.

    About CIMA
    The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, founded in 1919, is the world’s leading and largest professional body of Management Accountants, with over 203,000 members and students operating in 173 countries, working at the heart of business. CIMA members and students work in industry, commerce, the public sector and not-for-profit organizations. CIMA works closely with employers and sponsors leading-edge research, constantly updating its qualification, professional experience requirements and continuing professional development to ensure it remains the employers’ choice when recruiting financially-trained business leaders.

    About IFAC
    IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession, dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. It is comprised of 173 members and associates in 129 countries and jurisdictions, representing approximately 2.5 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.

    About PwC
    PwC firms provide industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to enhance value for their clients. More than 161,000 people in 154 countries in firms across the PwC network share their thinking, experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice. See for more information.

    Additional insights into reporting–including business models–can be found at:

    PwC paper on Business models

    PwC research on reporting–including business models

    Laura Wilker
    Head of Communications, IFAC


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  • Business Model: Background Paper for Integrated Reporting

    Investors and other stakeholders want to know what makes companies tick; at the same time, regulators are increasingly requiring companies to report clearly on their business models. In response, IFAC, with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and PwC, and at the request of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), have released this background paperwhich highlights the business model as being at the heart of integrated reporting.

  • IESBA Strengthens Key Sections of Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

    New York, New York English

    The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) today released strengthened provisions in its Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (the Code) to address conflicts of interest and a breach of a requirement of the Code. It also released amendments to the definition of the term “engagement team” in the Code.

    Conflicts of Interest

    Recognizing the ethical questions and challenges that can arise from conflicts of interest, the IESBA has revised the Code to establish more specific requirements and provide more comprehensive guidance to support professional accountants in identifying, evaluating, and managing such conflicts. The revisions affect professional accountants both in public practice and in business, taking into account the different circumstances in which they work. There is now a clearer explanation of what a conflict of interest means under the Code. The changes also are aimed at better enabling professional accountants to identify potential conflicts of interest early for timely action to be taken by the affected parties. Importantly, the new requirements are intended to stimulate professional accountants to evaluate whether they can remain objective in those circumstances and abide by the other fundamental ethical principles in the Code.

    Breach of a Requirement of the Code

    Reflecting its view that any breach of a provision of the Code is a matter that must be treated very seriously, the IESBA has strengthened the Code with respect to a professional accountant’s actions when encountering such a breach. In particular, the revisions to the Code establish a robust framework for addressing a breach of an independence requirement in the Code. They include requiring a firm to:

    • Terminate, suspend, or eliminate the interest or relationship that caused the breach;
    • Evaluate the significance of the breach and determine whether action can be taken and is appropriate in the circumstances to satisfactorily address the consequences of the breach;
    • Communicate all breaches with those charged with governance and obtain their concurrence that action can be, or has been, taken to satisfactorily address the consequences of the breach; and
    • Document, among other matters, the action taken and all the matters discussed with those charged with governance.

    Definition of Engagement Team

    In conjunction with the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)’s release today of its International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 610 (Revised 2013), Using the Work of Internal Auditors, the IESBA is also releasing amendments to the definition of “engagement team” in the Code. The amendments clarify the relationship between internal auditors providing direct assistance on an external audit (“direct assistance”) and the meaning of an engagement team under the Code.

    “A hallmark of professional accountants is their acceptance of their duty to act in the public interest,” said IESBA Chair Jörgen Holmquist. “The changes to the Code addressing conflicts of interest and a breach of a requirement of the Code raise the bar even higher and will, I believe, contribute to further strengthening of public trust in the profession.” He also added, “In relation to the engagement team definition, while the amendments to the definition address a perception that the Code and the revised ISA are in conflict with respect to direct assistance, it is important to make clear that the board is not requiring or encouraging external auditors to use direct assistance.”

    The changes will be effective in 2014; see the individual pronouncements for details. Early adoption is permitted. The revised pronouncements will be printed in the 2013 Handbook of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants due out in the second quarter.

    About the IESBA
    The IESBA is an independent standard-setting board that develops and issues, in the public interest, high-quality ethical standards and other pronouncements for professional accountants worldwide. Through its activities, the IESBA develops the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, which establishes ethical requirements for professional accountants. The structures and processes that support the operations of the IESBA are facilitated by IFAC. Please visit for more information.

    About IFAC
    IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. It is comprised of 173 members and associates in 129 countries and jurisdictions, representing approximately 2.5 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.


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  • IAASB Further Strengthens Standard on Using Work of Internal Auditors; Addresses Use of Direct Assistance

    New York, New York English

    In follow-up to its 2012 release of stronger standards dealing with the external auditor’s use of an internal audit function’s work, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) today issued new requirements and guidance that address the auditor’s responsibilities if using internal auditors to provide direct assistance under the direction, supervision, and review of the external auditor for purposes of the audit (“direct assistance”).

    International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 610 (Revised 2013), Using the Work of Internal Auditors, now includes guidance to external auditors when determining whether they can use direct assistance from internal auditors, and if so, in which areas and to what extent. The material addressing direct assistance does not apply if the external auditor is prohibited by law or regulation from obtaining direct assistance.

    “The new requirements and guidance not only clarify the scope of the standard, which we have already heard is an essential improvement, but also clearly set out the conditions, limits, and safeguards necessary so that direct assistance is used only in appropriate circumstances,” said Prof. Arnold Schilder, IAASB chairman.

    In conjunction with ISA 610 (Revised 2013), the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) today also released amendments to the definition of engagement team in its Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code). The amendments clarify the relationship between internal auditors providing direct assistance and the meaning of an engagement team under the IESBA Code.

    “The ISA does not require or encourage the external auditor to use, or to consider using, internal auditors to provide direct assistance, nor does it override relevant law or regulation. However, where direct assistance is permitted, the standard provides a robust framework for the external auditor’s judgments,” noted James Gunn, IAASB technical director. “The external auditor can therefore look to where there may be potential benefits from direct assistance, while understanding the limits to using such assistance and being able to take the necessary steps to avoid over or undue use, in line with the external auditor’s sole responsibility for the audit opinion expressed.”

    The material in ISA 610 (Revised 2013) pertaining to direct assistance is effective for audits of financial statements for periods ending on or after December 15, 2014.

    About the IAASB
    The IAASB develops auditing and assurance standards and guidance for use by all professional accountants under a shared standard-setting process involving the Public Interest Oversight Board, which oversees the activities of the IAASB, and the IAASB Consultative Advisory Group, which provides public interest input into the development of the standards and guidance. The structures and processes that support the operations of the IAASB are facilitated by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).

    About IFAC
    IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. It is comprised of 173 members and associates in 129 countries and jurisdictions, representing approximately 2.5 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.


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