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Translations Database

Accurate, high-quality translations are critical to ensuring the consistent global implementation of international standards. We work with our valued translating bodies to facilitate the translation of standards, as well as IFAC guidance, reports, and more in almost 50 languages. To reproduce a translation, or to assist IFAC with its translations initiative, please visit our online permission requests and inquiry (OPRI) system.

You can also visit the Knowledge Gateway to access the original English publication and see all related available and in progress translations.


Verantwortlichkeiten des Abschlussprüfers bezüglich sonstiger Informationen

International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 720 (Revised), The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information
Translated by: Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer, Institut Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer, EXPERTsuisse - Swiss Expert Association for Audit, Tax and Fiduciary

国際ガイダンス文書 環境管理会計

International Guidance Document: Environmental Management Accounting
Published: | Jul 31, 2005
Translated by: Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants

مكافحة غسيل الأموال

Anti-Money Laundering - 2nd Edition
Published: | Feb 29, 2004
Translated by: International Arab Society of Certified Accountants