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Joint Message From the Chairs of the IAASB and the IESBA


The COVID-19 pandemic is a global health and humanitarian crisis. Beyond the significant challenges that lay ahead in all facets of life, it also poses unprecedented risks to the world economy. The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) are committed to doing our part to support a strong global response.

IAASB and IESBA are committed to continuing our work, albeit virtually, and seizing opportunities to adapt how we work, and what we work on, considering global needs and priorities.

In the short-term, we have transitioned to fully digital platforms to execute day-to-day work, plenary meetings and stakeholder outreach. In addition, we are developing, or will consider commissioning and/or sourcing reference materials, as appropriate for each Board, to help our stakeholders continue their work. To that end, we will be creating web resources on each board’s website with COVID-19 related messages and materials.

We are coordinating with the Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB), regulatory authorities, and national standard setters on our approach. We are also discussing with the PIOB the best way to balance timeliness and the very real operational constraints many stakeholders face. These discussions will consider our stakeholders’ ability to provide feedback according to existing timelines and whether flexibility is required.

We are adapting rapidly and trying to be sensitive to many difficulties. We will place a priority on remaining closely linked with all our stakeholders during these trying times and will continue to review our response, as we may not get it right the first time, and may need to adjust further as the global situation changes. The IAASB, IESBA, and their staff stand ready to help where and when possible.  

We continue our work for the public interest. We understand the unprecedented crisis will bring unprecedented challenges. And we will meet them with a decisive and timely response.

IAASB Technical Director Update on COVID-19 Response


The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) published its Strategy for 2020‒2023 (the Strategy) and Work Plan for 2020‒2021 (the Work Plan) , this week (April 15, 2020). We have also signaled our sensitivity to the current circumstances created by the COVID-19 outbreak. The purpose of this note is to update stakeholders on the progress of support material under development and the evolution of our thinking on our Work Plan.

Staff Alerts under Development

A core element of our COVID-19 response is to develop Staff Alerts on several targeted topics to support the application of our standards under current circumstances. Our goal is to support the public interest and the role auditors must play in sustaining trust in financial and other external reporting. We are coordinating with others, such as National Standard Setters (NSS) and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and its Professional Accountancy Organization (PAO) members, as well as engaging with regulators and oversight bodies.

In addition to the IAASB Staff AlertHighlighting Areas of Focus in an Evolving Audit Environment Due to the Impact of COVID-19, we are drafting Staff Alerts on the following topics:

  • Auditor Reporting
  • Going Concern
  • Subsequent Events
  • Auditing Accounting Estimates
  • Public Sector Audit Considerations

The Staff Alerts on Auditor Reporting and Going Concern will be issued next and are expected to be available within the next two weeks.

Work Plan

The IAASB is calibrating its efforts to account for COVID-19’s impact on our capacity to deliver, and the capacity of our stakeholders to absorb what we deliver. Our comprehensive review of our work program includes an assessment of priorities, upcoming Board meeting agendas, and timelines (e.g., consultation periods and effective dates). We are taking this through our internal processes as well as ensuring that we benefit from the input of the Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) and other key stakeholders. Changes will be communicated with the publishing of individual proposed or final pronouncements. We anticipate publishing revisions to the Work Plan on the IAASB website during the first half of May, after our consultations are complete.

We will continue to adapt our ways of working. The IAASB appreciates the immense constraints and pressure experienced by all. Our thinking about how we can best contribute to the broader financial reporting ecosystem at this time is evolving and we will continue to post updates on the IAASB Website.


Visit our COVID-19 Reource Page to learn more.

Jelena Misita

Job Title



Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ms. Jelena Misita is Chair of the IFAC PAO Development & Advisory Group, having been a member since January 2018 nominated by the Union of Accountants, Auditors and Financial Workers of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (UAAFWFBH).  

Ms. Misita is a member of the Board of the UAAFWFBH and also serves on various profession-focused boards, committees and represents her country in international organizations. In March 2020, she became a member of the state-level Accounting and Auditing Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina that  is involved in regulation of the accountancy profession, including education matters. Ms. Misita has vast experience in PAO development and strengthening the accountancy profession in jurisdictions that require both strategic and practical assistance in adoption and consistent implementation of high standards of professionalism. For over 10 years Ms. Misita has served as the CEO of Revicon, a company concerned with business consulting, research and development
